Student Guest Ticket

<p>Son got an email about days when a student ticket can be converted to a student guest ticket.</p>

<p>What is a student guest ticket?</p>

<p>My son will be attending the Iron Bowl, as he has that ticket as part of his package, but many of his friends are going home and will not use their tickets, those that have that package.</p>

<p>Is this the process students would use if they want to make their ticket available to someone who is not a student? </p>

<p>If they just want to transfer their ticket to another student who does not have an Auburn ticket as part of their package, I assume they just use the ActCard site, right?</p>

<p>oh, and most importantly, where do people who get a student guest ticket sit?</p>

<p>Students convert their tickets to a paper guest ticket for a conversion price. So, the person who buys the ticket usually has to pay the conversion price PLUS however much the person is selling the ticket for. </p>

<p>If I remember correctly, we paid $45+60 for each converted ticket for the Penn St game, but the Iron Bowl will be higher.</p>

<p>I think the conversion to paper tickets has to be done by a certain time/date. Don’t know what that time/date is for the Iron Bowl.</p>

<p>Student guest ticket holders sit in the student section - which is unassigned seating - so people go early to get their seats.</p>

<p>Tickets transferred to another Bama student are done on their Action Cards.</p>

<p>If I’m mistaken on some details, hopefully Sea_tide will correct me. :)</p>

<p>Mom, when you did your Penn State tickets, did you sit in the student section?</p>

<p>My question was prompted by an email son forwarded me about dates and times to convert the georgia and Auburn games, but he didn’t understand what converted meant.</p>

<p>So, if a couple of his friends want to convert their ticket to student guest tickets, and we (mom and dad) buy them, we would sit in the student section? We’re too old to pass for students. LOL</p>

<p>You don’t have to be a student to use a student guest ticket. Non-students holding student guest tickets sit there all the time.</p>

<p>Thanks, feenotype. </p>

<p>Stupid question, I know, but where is the student section?</p>

<p>Also, do we enter a different gate than the students use, since we won’t be swiping an ACTcard?</p>

<p>Just wondering if we’ll be able to enter with son and sit with him for the game, if we’re able to get a student guest ticket.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help, guys!</p>

<p>Montegut, </p>

<p>His friends would be better off trying to find a student buyer first before converting to a student guest. I would only convert to a student guest if you have the ticket sold to a non student and have the money in hand. </p>

<p>The conversion fee for this game is $60. (Face value $65 - $5 student price). The student owning the ticket must do the conversion as it’s on his ACT card. conversions are done at the ticket window in Coleman coliseum. </p>

<p>For example, my “son” needs a student ticket for the auburn game and is willing to pay $125. They’d need to be able to sell their student guest ticket for $185 to equal that price.</p>

<p>If your son has any more friends that want to sell, and $125 is ok, then send me an email and I’ll hook them up with my “son” for the transfer.</p>

<p>BTW, student guests sit in the student section. Not ideal for regular people as it’s first come first serve and not many want to get inside the stadium 2 hours before game time. But yes you can sit with your son if you have a student guest ticket. As far as the gate, I’m not sure. But you can meet back up once inside and try to find a row that has space available for you all to sit.</p>

<p>Here’s a link to the seating chart. Student section is the purple striped section covering the south endzone and around.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>From what I’ve seen, people with a student guest ticket enter via the same gate as students and the person swiping ACT cards will either tare off the appropriate stub or get one of the people with a scanner to scan your ticket for entry. I see quite few torn off ticket stubs sitting on the table next to the ACT card readers when I enter the student section.</p>


<p>Yes, you sit in the student section with a converted student ticket. Students are all ages. Some are older and working on Masters and PhDs, so age is irrelevant.</p>

<p>Yes, you can sit with your son. Yes you’ll enter thru the same gate. There’s a person there, so you (the ticket holder) don’t need an ACT card to swipe.</p>

<p>BTW…you can carry in a small purse into the student section, but not a large tote bag.</p>

<p>My D is surprising her 15-year old brother with a student guest ticket to the Iron Bowl as a Christmas present! He is so excited and my husband and I are extremely jealous! This will be his 1st Bama weekend with out the parents!</p>

<p>Peachtide, that is so awesome! I’m sure your son will love it!</p>

<p>So, if a student wants to buy an Iron Bowl ticket for a parent, sibling, friend, to sit with them, they would have to buy a converted student ticket for them to sit with them?</p>

<p>Other than the cost, what would be the “penalty” of a student selling their ticket to a guest rather than another student?</p>

<p>NJ, I will keep an ear open for a ticket for your son. Unfortunately, the only available ticket we knew of has already been sold to another student for her brother to attend the game with her. I guess that had to be done through the conversion process? </p>

<p>We’ll probably just enjoy the game from the Quad, but if the opportunity presents itself, where we could get a ticket, we were wondering how the process works.</p>

<p>No penalty for converting a student ticket to a student guest ticket the first time you do so. It’s only after you do it three or four times that you get penalized.</p>