Student Tickets

<p>I am a distance learning student and I’ve paid the student activity fee in order to eligible to purchase student tickets. My question is if I purchase two student tickets (from students selling them) and then a week prior to the game the tickets are transferred to my action account. Can I pay the upgrade fee and convert one ticket to a student guest ticket?</p>

<p>Just being the messenger.</p>

<p>From Casin0 Ex*c:
“Do me a favor and either reply to Distbamagirl or send her a pm and tell her that she can’t have two tickets on her account at the same time. If she wants to buy two tickets for a game and convert one of them, she’ll need to buy one and convert it to a student guest paper ticket by going to coleman coliseum the week of the game and paying the conversion fee and then after that is done she can buy the other one and have it transferred to her.”</p>

<p>Ejected from the game, still coaching from the locker room :)</p>

<p>Brett Farve is going to be a High School Assistant Defensive Coach in his hometown. How cool is that?</p>

<p>There is no one more knowledgable about football, tickets, hotels or general loathing of a nearby campus (moo).

<p>Thank you asaunmom</p>

<p>Glad to see that “ejected” is still reading and keeping up on all things UA…</p>

<p>Yes, he should come back in a new life as “ejected”!</p>

<p>Ok, inquiring minds really want to know, what happened to him?</p>

<p>gnickell…you can take the player out of the game, but you can’t take the game out of the player!</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure it was his dislike of and comments about the school located in Auburn, AL…</p>

<p>LOL Roll Tide</p>

<p>But I’m SURE it’s NEVER happened before, so he should be back soon…</p>