I’m having some trouble with studying for the Math II SAT. I have previously taken Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-calculus, and am in AP Calc AB right now. What can I expect to see on the Math II SAT and what would you suggest doing in order to prepare for the exam?
Buy review books (barrons is the best) and do every single problem. For the topics you’re a bit hazy on, look over them in detail from a precalc textbook. Topics include: Polynomial Functions, Trig, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Rational Functions and Limits, Parametric and Polar Equations, Piecewise Functions, Conic Sections, Three D Geometry, Probability,Matrices, complex numbers, sequences and series, and data analysis. It’s a lot of material, but the test has a really good curve (6 wrong is 800). Good luck!
Thank you for the advice! I put some review books on hold at the library, which should be helpful! I also kept a lot of my old notes and study guides from when I took pre-calculus last year, so I’m hoping that helps, as well!
^Definitely also check out the official collegeboard tests and the sample questions on the collegeboard website. Good luck!