Stuff Everyone Will Use

<p>So I've been trying to come up with, like, a list of stuff my roommates and I need to split up bringing. So here's what I have, to be split between the 4 of us (we have a two room quad, beds in one room, lounge type area in the other)</p>

Fridge (maybe two?)
DVD player
Speakers/Boom Box/something of that nature
Furniture (bean bag chairs, etc)</p>

<p>Anything else we'll all be using, so we'll need to divide bringing amongst ourselves? Ideas?</p>

<p>okay who the **** has the money to buy that stuff? you're already paying (most likely) upwards of $40,000 in total cost to go to the school. what is happening to mankind that we can't go anywhere without a tv or dvd player? bah!</p>

<p>Ignoring the dumb response - I'd not pool furniture. TV, DVD, Microwave, Fridge or two, toaster, blender...</p>

<p>two fridges may be too much</p>

<p>You don't need a DVD player if at least one of you has a computer. That is an easy way to "split" that item.</p>

<p>wow will my roommate hate me if i just bring a closet full of clothes? i'm not buying a tv or dvd player or fridge, much less two, or microwave. honestly, who has the money for that kind of stuff?</p>

<p>video game stuff (ps2/xbobx360) with enough controllers etc.</p>

<p>bendrum, have you spoken to your roommate? If you told your roommate that you don't have that kind of money, and so he/she knows you aren't bringing anything, then they shouldn't be mad (don't expect full sharing rights though). And are you really that pressed for money, or are you not looking in the right places for that stuff?</p>

<p>Two fridges might be a bit much, but one of my friends already has one (really tiny). We figured we might just buy another, since there are four of us. Question - if you play a dvd on your computer, can you hook it up to the TV? (None of us our especially electronically proficient beyond the basics). Also, I don't play video games... they just really don't appeal to me (we're all girls) and if anyone else does, I suppose they're welcome to bring their own, lol. But I don't think it's something any of us are that into.</p>

<p>Neverborn, what do you mean you'd not pool that stuff? We're just trying to make a list so we can determine who brings what? (ie, we don't want everyone to decide what they're bringing, and then realize we forgot a whole bunch of important things)</p>

<p>I wanna- I'm not pressed for money, (well aren't we all, really?) but I think my parent's are already giving me a college education, I don't want to bother them with all this extra stuff that I don't need. I think it's a bit selfish. Sorry.</p>

<p>Well I'm mostly paying for all the extra stuff I'm buying with earnings from summer job, etc. Plus - yeah you don't need this stuff. But I'm not silly enough to think that if I don't bring anything and my roommates bring lots of stuff I'm going to be able to keep up my end of the deal of not using it. If there's a TV in the room, chances are, at some point in the year, I'll end up watching it. For us, especially because we have a lounge type area with essentially NO furniture, we have to find some way to fill that space and a reason for people to be in there.</p>

<p>a computer will probably work fine to play music from, I doubt you need a boom box</p>

<p>2 mini fridges for 4 people? sure, but not 2 full size fridges.</p>

<p>Don't split the cost of anything. Someone buys a fridge, someone buys a few pieces of cheap furniture, and you all walk away with what you bought at the end of the year. </p>

<p>If there's 4 of you, one can bring a fridge, one can bring a TV, one can bring some furniture, and one can bring a microwave and a blender or something. Split it up fairly equally, but don't SPLIT the cost of anything. That gets messy later on.</p>

<p>Who has the money for that stuff? Are you serious? If you don't bring a microwave/fridge to college, you will be very in the minority. I can't have a microwav in my room, but a fridge is a must! Unless you didn't get any grad money, I think you should easily have enough money. A fridge is like $100 max, split up it's not very much.</p>

<p>To sum up, if you are going to a 40K college, yet can't afford a fridge, you need to rethink your college choice.</p>

<p>In addition, microwave rules are not enforced. Bring one anyway.</p>

<p>wow. so...I can't get financial aid? hmmm</p>

<p>I might be spoiled a little, but it would bother me A LOT if I had to share a fridge or microwave with a roommate. Also you might want a coffeemaker (if you have morning classes...or for that all-nighter...and if you prefer, one that will allow you to get the coffee in a thermos).</p>

<p>I can understand about the fridge since they are usually cramped and ppl might eat your stuff, but why the fuss about the microwave? It's not like you leave valuables or food in there all the time...are you annoyed ppl might microwave stuff in it and stink it up or something?</p>

<p>You might want to check out what your college already has for its dorms. I know where I'm going a mini fridge + microwave is included, and they explictly say don't bring these two items for that reason. I also agree with an above poster, you probably will not need a stereo. If you or someone else has a computer and some mini speakers, you'll be fine. Maybe a radio? but even that you can get streaming with a comp. I think the biggest thing to consider is the furniture, since you'll probably need more than one item with a lounge area. </p>

<p>Also, I don't really think that possessing a DVD player makes you spoiled (60$+ for long term entertainment use).</p>

<p>Get a clock radio of you really feel that you need something seperate. </p>

<p>Whatever you do, divide it so that one person pays for an entire item alone. Do you best to make sure that everyone spends about the same amount, but don't divide the cost of a more expensive item.Like, if you really want a fridge and no one else already has one, tell your roomies that it's what you'd like to contribute to the room. Remind them that it's expensive and will take up a lot of space in the car, so you can't bring any other big items. Have them each claim a big item to bring. IMO, it's easiest to do it this way. When the year is over, it be difficult to decide who takes the fridge if you each put $25 into it, especially if you aren't ending the year on good terms.</p>

<p>I don't know....maybe I'm just really finicky and I'm more like on the "don't touch my stuff" end of the spectrum....maybe because I had my own room my entire life.</p>

<p>But I think a coffeemaker would be a necessity.</p>