Submitting AP Exam scores in lieu of SAT/ACT in college apps

I wanted to add that the Kahn academy prep tool is pretty well done. If you log in with you college board info it will give you practice according to what you got wrong on the PSAT or any previous SAT. My son thought of it as a video game and trying to “level up” on each area.

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We’ve had a similar experience with the value of a tutor. So yes, I should look into this option for SAT test prep—it’s a great idea, carving out that 1/hour week over time. Thanks.

Great to know about the Khan Academy app! We’ll check it out.

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S24 didn’t spend much time prepping for the SAT the first time (maybe a couple of hours total). He did well by most standards but not as well as he wanted/needed so he retook it last week. He prepped a little more this time, focusing on the grammar section which was the only section he didn’t do very well on. He thinks he improved his score and has much better time management this time. We’ll see in another 10 days.

The writing section is a killer because its always at least 10 points per mistake. It’s more technical than hard and not prepping is leaving points on the table. I bet he did much better.

That’s nice of you to say. I hope he did better on it - he definitely felt more confident and didn’t run out of time on that section like he did before. Fingers crossed.

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My 25 is waiting as well. Taking it again in October. My 24 was done at that point and it was so nice to have one less thing to worry about that during Jr year.

With the PSAT your daughter may have had an opportunity to study for it and the SAT/ACT over the summer before junior year, and take it earlier as others have said. Now she’s a junior, I would say take it once later in the year after she has an idea of the school workload. Then based on that score, you can take it in the Fall and use the summer to do some prep work.

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