Suggestions for HS Junior?

<p>I have a fairly limited list of colleges that I'm truly interested in because I don't really know what ones to consider. I can easily find plenty of safeties and schools around my acedemic level, but I can't sort through what ones would be worth looking into. So far I am considering Carleton, Macalester, and Tufts. I am looking for a school with a good social science department, international outlook, flexibility, and a holistic approach to admissions. I also would prefer a school with a small student body that's not located in the middle of a big city. My GPA is around 3.7 UW and my combined SAT is 2310 (800/710/800, so weak in math). What colleges would be worth investigating for me?</p>

<p>That’s a amazing SAT and a decent UW man… You have a shot at basically every college in America. Even in the context of your criteria regarding student body and location, there are plenty to choose from.
Have you considered any LAC’s? Most of them are not in a urban setting and almost none has a large student population that can make you feel uncomfortable. I personally would recommend Swarthmore, William and Amherst.</p>

<p>I have looked at each of those schools but not extensively because my GPA will hurt me there. Having a high SAT isn’t everything as I am only around the 10th percentile in my class. Those schools are possible as reaches but I’m debating if the chances are high enough that they’re worth the effort of looking in to.</p>

<p>Is money a concern? If so, will you qualify for significant financial aid? </p>

<p>If so, then that will have to be part of your strategy.</p>

<p>Grinnell (IA) and Skidmore (NY) might be worth a look. Best of luck!</p>

<p>I agree with Mathematicism. ASW are worth a look. Your SAT scores are incredible.</p>

<p>“International outlook” definitely brings Middlebury to mind. The strength of the language departments and the international studies major is something that distinguishes it from other to notch LACs. Note that Tufts is quite a bit bigger than an LAC—try to visit a mid-sized place like Tufts and a small LAC to see if the difference in size matters as much as you think it might.</p>

<p>see below-dupelicate</p>

<p>Definitely Grinnell. Amazing science facilities and faculty. Huge endowment which means merit aid (which is unusual for a LAC of this caliber), lots of on-campus amenities, and an abundance of resources for student research. No distribution requirements and excellent advising. And 11% of the students are international.</p>

<p>You want a good science program with an international outlook…
What is your intended career?</p>

<p>If you’ll need/qualify for financial aid, then you need to consider schools that will meet need.</p>

<p>SOCIAL Science program.</p>


<p>Isn’t Macalester in a city?</p>