<p>My son is looking to major or minor in Italian, and would like a film program (not film studies). He is open to just about anywhere geographically, but does not want a small 2,000 size school. Stats are:</p>
<p>GPA 3.0 (he's taken honors and one AP class -- his high school doesn't offer that many.) Probably w/bring it up slightly this year. Top half of class.
SAT 570, reading 590, writing 670.</p>
<p>Destination Imagination (4 years), Theatre (Shakespeare 3 years, maybe this year, too), has received awards for his movies, track, part-time job.</p>
<p>One safety would be UMontana, but it is pretty remote and I am not sure how well a fit that would be, plus just Italian courses, no minor. Other ideas he has are: DePaul, UDenver, Ithaca, Boston U., Hofstra. </p>
<p>We are not taking him to visit unless he gets in; most of these are far from where we live in Maine, w/the exception of BU which is a reach.</p>
<p>If you're willing to look at UDenver, come a bit farther west and look in Los Angeles. </p>
<p>Many friends of mine have students at Loyola Marymount, L.A., having a great experience. (The location is safe, suburban, not far from the beach.) Good film program and a minor in Italian.</p>
<p>jazzymom, thanks for those suggestions. Do you think his stats will be enough for Loyola or Ithaca? I have studied the CollegeBoard Handbook like a bookie handicapping a race, but I really have no idea! It appears that his SATs are in the middle of the mid-range, but his GPA is on the low end...</p>
<p>He might want to take a look at Indiana U-Bloomington. His GPA is somewhat low for OOS, but I've seen them take kids with his grades. It has a really good Italian department and it has a film studies major, although I don't know anything about the quality of the department.</p>
<p>problem with Loyola Maramount: i was out there this summer (GREAT location in LA) and talked to the professor of film production. u have to take the $$$ out of YOUR pocket to produce a film. he says to make an 8 minute short will run you about $3000. YIKES. that ON TOP of regular college expenses! It gets expensive. Solid program, but not getting school funding for projects was a definite turn off for me</p>
TUOwls2011. Is Temple largely commuter? From what I've read on these boards, that is the impression I have.
<p>Not anymore it's not, although that might depend on what you consider commuter. Most students live on campus, and we're starting to attract a good amount from outside the region (CA, TX, FL, MA, etc.). Still, though, while people like myself who are from the Philadelphia area, and live on campus, we go home for some part of the weekend every few weekends. During the weekend, there's tons of students on campus. It doesn't look deserted at all.</p>