<p>What do you think about life in the suites, if you've had the experience or know someone who has???</p>
<p>you know...saxon/hitch.</p>
<p>What do you think about life in the suites, if you've had the experience or know someone who has???</p>
<p>you know...saxon/hitch.</p>
<p>it's good for quiet and space
that's about it</p>
<p>I'm surprised you didn't launch into one of your tirades about the horrors of living in a suite, namaste =P</p>
<p>i changed my mind, there are aspects i like about it!</p>
<p>i would much prefer to live in a plaza nonetheless</p>
<p>i heard its soooooooooooo far away...</p>
<p>plazas are nice. and close. :) courtside is supposed tob e the most social since we are all connected or somefink</p>
<p>plazas are the best. sunset is quiet, close to everything, you don't have to climb that long flight of stairs, bruincafe is like 2 min away, and they are pretty spacious.</p>
<p>spacious unless of course, you have a triple.... =P</p>
<p>suites arent spacious?</p>
<p>i was under the impression that they were.</p>
<p>the rooms themselves aren't any bigger than plazas. but suites do have the living room, which is pretty big.</p>
<p>forced triples ****ing suck</p>
<p>Well, suite rooms are bigger than plaza rooms by about 1 foot on each side, if I remember correctly. As far as social interaction with other building-mates goes, it's very limited in my experience. If you get the right mix of roomies, though, suite life is pretty swell with all that added living room space.</p>
<p>Any particular reason for your inclination towards suites?</p>
i heard its soooooooooooo far away...
<p>Saxon's about as far as Rieber.</p>
<p>Suites are nice if you want a living room and to have a more "apartment-like" experience.</p>
<p>I prefer the plazas. They're more modern, I suppose. :rolleyes:</p>
<p>I'm not necessarily inclined towards suites, but im just planning in case the apts in westwood get snapped up too quickly.</p>
<p>having the living room would be really nice though, if i had to put something on the table for debate.</p>
<p>the plazas are really really nice, and more social than the suites.</p>
<p>I live in a plaza triple right now, and to tell you the truth, I'm not that into the whole dorm living thing.</p>
<p>I miss having a kitchen and my own room....not to mention saving a couple thousand per year is always attractive.</p>