Summer Leap Program

<p>My child will be attending the summer leap program, any advice or info will be geatly appreciated. Regarding dorm living, food and anything else.</p>

<p>Well, from what I’ve heard about it, people love it. Its a pretty good chance for freshman to get a head start academically, but it also allows them to get the bearings as far as getting around campus, etc. The only caveat is that you only get to take two classes, and each is 5 days a week, for like and hour and a half each day. I only spend one summer up there taking classes, and I found transitioning from my regular college schedule, to that, to be pretty challenging. But I guess for a freshman coming from the HS environment, it might be more so middle ground between the pace of HS and College. That said, not one person I’ve ever talked to about it said anything negative.</p>