Summer Programs for rising 10th graders?

Starting to search for programs for my daughter for this summer. She’s a current 9th grader.

She’s done EXPLO summer programs the last two summers. We will consider doing that again, but would prefer something a little more rigorous. Interests include math, psychology, visual arts (pretty broad interests still at this point!!).

Is there a list of programs open to rising sophomores? Most things I see at colleges seem to be for rising juniors/seniors.

I see some programs offered on campus by a group called “Summer Springboard.” Anyone have info/experience with these?

Appreciate any thoughts/feedback!

Our D22 did multiple programs over her HS years hosted by Stanford, Georgetown, and Brown. Check their websites…….

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My son did a psychology and writing course at Rhodes Summer Writing Institute. Not sure if that’s a good fit for your daughter’s interests, but I think they take rising 10th.

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Global Scholar has programs for rising 9th – focused on global issues and youth leadership, and online or in Washington, DC. Good luck!