<p>I'm a high school junior who is interested in medical school. I was wondering what summer programs in medicine are available for high school students, like shadowing or working in a lab. If you could provide links to websites with info on this or examples of specific programs that would be great!
<p>I think there is one at Stanford; it’s called Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program. It looks pretty interesting-here’s the website.
[Stanford</a> Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR) - Stanford University School of Medicine](<a href=“http://simr.stanford.edu/]Stanford”>http://simr.stanford.edu/)
Also, you could look into the National Institute of Health Summer Internship Programs. I believe there have been some posts on this topic, so look around. Good luck!</p>
<p>Lead America has a bunch of Medicine and Health programs. A couple of sessions at Georgetown…kids walk around with white jackets on. It looks tacky, but I’m sure it’s a good program, considering the amount of students who were in it.</p>
<p>[LeadAmerica</a> Youth Leadership Conferences Medicine & Healthcare](<a href=“http://www.lead-america.org/conferences/cslc/medicine.asp]LeadAmerica”>http://www.lead-america.org/conferences/cslc/medicine.asp)</p>