Summer programs

6 weeks free engineering program at U of Wisconsin Madison. This is competitive to get into. Application fee can be waived for a student on free/reduced lunch program. The dorm you would stay in is air conditioned and lovely and has a food court on the first floor for your meal plan.
glossy brochure to show your parents and teachers

One week engineering camp for girls at U of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Registration opens in March. They have a link where you can sign up for notification of when it opens.
In 2018, the campers will make solar-charged reading lamps for people living in Guatemala with no electrical grid access. You’ll meet women engineers who are changing the world, learn new skills, tour engineering workplaces, explore Milwaukee, make friends and experience life on a college campus. EnQuest camp will take over a floor of a UWM Residence Hall tower for overnight accommodations—so you’ll get to know your fellow campers and get a taste of college life.

No prior engineering experience needed.

Applications for the Andover program close Dec 15th! The website isn’t the greatest.
(MS)2 accepts African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American students who have completed one full year of algebra by June and are currently in the 9th grade in the following city public school districts: Atlanta; Baltimore; Boston; Chicago; Cleveland; Fort Worth, Texas; Lawrence, Mass.; Louisville, Ky.; Memphis, Tenn.; and New York City, as well as Washington, D.C. Native American students may apply from any geographic area of the United States. All candidates must have a demonstrated financial need.

video has more info about it