Summer School and Kelley Admissions?

<p>Hey guys! I’ve been THRIVING at Indiana University thanks to the help of everyone on this community! I’m really close to Kelley admission time, which means my journey here as a wandering, clueless fool is almost over. I just have a few more questions to ask. </p>

<p>1)For summer school, I know Kelley admissions frown on taking summer school equivalents for Kelley pre-recs. Is there any way to schedule summer school classes and not tell Kelley admissions about it? Should I apply into Kelley and register for pre-req business classes, then after I get admitted into Kelley drop those classes for Fall and take the Summer School equivalents instead? I’m trying to find a way to make the A2wolves summer school plan work for non-direct admits without jeopardizing my chances at admission. Does Kelley admissions know the projected Fall Semester courses you’re planning to take when you apply for admission into the business school?</p>

<p>2)Along those lines, how does summer school GPA count? Is it like, if you pass the class you just get credit for it and it doesn’t count towards your IU GPA, meaning I can get skate by with a B? Or does it count for your IU GPA, meaning that I should take as many summer school classes I can to boost my IU GPA? :D I like both scenerios hahaha, but I’m just wondering which one works. IF there’s any faulty logic here lemme know </p>

<p>3)Just wanna make sure that HPER classes counts in terms of Kelley admission GPA? It’s factored in right, as long as I keep it to one a semester? Or does it just count for graduation GPA?</p>

<p>4)Does anyone know whether I have to OWN an apartment before I qualify for in-state tuition? Can I rent out an apartment and still have a shot of getting in? I know it’s a really specific question, but I’ve been getting such mixed information on this subject. Yes I know about the financial part and I have that covered, but now I’m just looking at the land aspect.</p>

<p>6)Anyone here know how hard Bus-F228 is? If you’ve taken the class or know anyone who has I’d love to know your thoughts on it. I know the grade distribution for it is high, but I have a feeling that it’s deceptively tricky and will take 8 hours of studying a week hahah.</p>

<p>I know as long as the summer school yo go to isn’t an IU affiliate (IU Indianapolis, Indiana South Bend, etc), the GPA doesn’t carry over, and you must get a C to get credit for that class. For residency, you must own/rent an apartment (be able to prove it)in Indiana for 4 years to establish residency.</p>

<p>Answer to (1): Kelley can see everything you ever applied for and everything you dropped–So planning to fool them by applying to stuff and then dropping it will not endear you to them</p>

<p>Answer to (3): HPER courses count towards your overall GPA, but the Kelley administrators do know which of these courses are easy (and non-academic) and which are tough ones and will judge your application accordingly. Having said that, it still doesn’t hurt to have one on your transcript during the first year–especially if it’s an academic course.</p>

<p>The answers to (2) and (4) were given above. I don’t know the answer to (5)–although you do need to know that if you plan to take F228, you need permission from David Haeberle who runs the Investment Banking program–so you need to go talk to him sometime during the second semester of your freshman year.</p>

<p>Here’s a link for you:</p>

<p>[The</a> Investment Banking Network at Indiana University: Member Login](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>ohhh, 4 years for residency within bloomington?</p>

<p>yup, it used to be 3 I think, but colleges are catching on. Back in the 70’s, my friends parents said for a lot of states it was only 1-2 years.</p>

<p>I’ll answer and clarify number 6. For F228, Introduction to Investment Banking, you DO NOT need permission from the instructor to take the class. Calcruzer, I think you were referring to the other I-Banking classes which are for the I-Banking workshop students. I took F228 during the 1st 8 weeks and I learned a lot, especially about the current financial crisis. The instructor, David Haeberle frankly knows his ****. You’ll learn a lot from this class and read three books…vault guide to i-banking, rise and fall of LTCM, and monkey business. In terms of studying, just keep up with the readings. The class doesn’t have any math, but you go over the valuation methods. You’ll learn a lot from this class and see if I-Banking’s the way to go.</p>

<li> Do you mean if you take summer school pre-reqs at IU or at another school? There is no way that they could tell if you were taking classes at Ivy Tech or in California at a community college and thinking about transferring them to IU at the end of the summer. Actually, if you don’t want these to “look bad” on your record during the Kelley application process, then you could wait and send IU your transcript of these classes AFTER you get into Kelley. But Kelley should already have made their decision by the time you complete your summer classes at a CC anyway. By then, it would be moot if you took them at a CC. My son is a direct admit and took Microecon at CC (fifteen students in his class vs. 350 at IU) and A100 at IUPUI (way easier than IUB) last summer and W131 at his high school. They might look bad if he were applying to Mitte, but he won’t be. Since he is already in Kelley, it doesn’t matter that he did not take these at IUB.<br></li>

<p>The only way it might hurt you to do CC summer courses is if don’t get in next summer and you apply under option 2 and include your summer CC classes on your option 2 admission. On the other hand, they might interpret it as you are highly motivated if you are taking classes year round. Also, again, you have the option of not even reporting CC classes to IU until after you are accepted to Kelley, and they make the decisions in early July, so you could wait even until after the decisions are made in the summer after your sophomore year (under option 2) and still have time to send CC transcripts to IU to in time to officially show completion of your Kelley I-Core pre-reqs in time to take I-Core in first semester of junior year.</p>

<li><p>You only need a “C” for classes to transfer to IU. Your actual grade will show up in Onestart in your transfer credit report, but there will be no grade (only the “T”, for transfer) on your official transcript. </p></li>
<li><p>Remember that Kelley only accepts four credits of HPER classes for Kelley graduation requirements. Any credits you take beyond that won’t be applied toward the 124 needed to graduate. [Kelley</a> School of Business Undergraduate 2006-2008 Online Bulletin: Bachelor of Science in Business](<a href=“]Kelley”></p></li>
<li><p>I think a lot of really smart students take F228. It is like a warm-up for the Investment Banking Workshop and taught by Haeberle, so you would expect the class gpa to be pretty high. F228 doesn’t fulfill any finance degree requirements, but would be helpful if you are thinking about a finance major.</p></li>

<p>The requirement for residency isn’t based upon living in Bloomington, but in the state of Indiana. </p>

<p>I"m sure you’ve seen this link, but just for future reference:</p>

<p>[Residency</a> Information: Office of the Registrar: Indiana University Bloomington](<a href=“]Residency”></p>

<p>Owning property in the state and paying taxes does not equate to residency for tuition purposes, especially if your primary purpose for being in the state is higher education. Even if your parents moved to the state you would need to wait 12 months.</p>


<p>Generally, to be sure that a summer school class you take at another school will be transferable to IU-B, you are expected to look up the course on the following website, and then fill out the Credit Transfer Form (linked at that site) ahead of time to have them approve your choices and agree to give you the credit for the class–especially if it is being used to fill a particular requirement or pre-requisite.</p>

<p>[Credit</a> Transfer Service Home: Office of Admissions ~ IU Bloomington](<a href=“]Credit”>CTS : Indiana University Bloomington)</p>

<p>But, no, I wasn’t referring to Kelley knowing if you actually took a class at another college or not–all I was saying was that the Kelley administrators could look up any course you signed up for and then dropped at IU-B.</p>

<p>Since the credit transfer form above only goes to the admission office, I wouldn’t expect that anyone at Kelley would ever see it (until you actual transferred the credits, that is).</p>

<p>Oh, and thanks to you and mactonycw for correcting me on the F228 class–yes, I did get it confused with the regular Investment Banking workshop summer class.</p>