<p>im an incoming freshman and i was wondering about which class i should take in the summer(i have to take 6 hrs)(im not too sure abt my major, but on the application i put as biomed eng major, i am also considering just bio major or chem eng). anyone knows which is the best for pre med student?</p>
<p>for the classes:
i took ap eng exam this yr, so i think i can exempt english 1 with it, is it possible for me to just take eng 2 directly in the summer?? i dont know my ap score yet though(i think colleges get it july 1) so thats why i was wondering if they will assume i will get the credit and just let me sign up for eng 2??</p>
<p>also i took macro econ + gov as ap classes this yr. so would you suggest taking INTA or micro econ in the summer?? what is the focus of these classes? i was wondering this but it looks as if macro econ and micro econ seem to fill the same credit? same thing with INTA and ap gov credit... macro fills credit for 2105 and micro fill the credit for 2106..so they are for the same credit?? correct me if i am wrong please</p>
<p>i also can take sociology, would you recommend taking this class?? i took psychology as ap class this year as well and didnt really like it (interest-wise) despite the fact that i did good in the class(A+) so do you think i will like this class(since they both are social sciences)? also do we have to do excessive amount of reading in the class(since it will be condensed in the summer)?? i didnt like reading for psychology lol. can i take history class(also offered in the summer) and substitute that for my social science credit instead?</p>
<p>and lastly
i can also take cs1371 which is computing for engineers. i have java programming experience, so would you suggest taking it in the summer? the main concern i had about this class was that in the biomed eng catalog, its put after one takes cal 1(im assuming that its a prerequsite) and i did not take any calculus in highschool. so should i take this class without any knowledge of calculus(i only took until precal and did really well in the class)? somewhere else in the tech threads, someone mentioned something about integrals and etc come up in this class, but i just want to be sure..</p>
<p>plus if i take this class, would you recommend buying a new computer for this class or would my desktop (windows vista) work fine with the softwares required?? i noticed somewhere that computers can be included in the cost of attendance for first semester, but is it too late to ask them for it now for the late summer session that starts the coming monday (jun 28)? should i wait until fall or ask them anyway via email or phone? </p>
<p>im sorry for all the questions but i am EXTREMELY confused as you can probably tell :) </p>
<p>some of the other threads are loaded with too much hate for this school so im sorry if i am asking questions that are answered somewhere on those threads...personally i think this school will be heaven for sci nd math nerd like me lol =] </p>
<p>thank you in advance =)</p>