Summer storage facilities

Do you have any recommendations for summer storage facilities so we don’t have to bring everything home from the dorm?

You are so wise to be thinking about this. Move outs were always so much more work than move ins :wink:

We used Abbott West Self Storage on Charlotte Ave and 31st Street. It was convienent to the University. It costs more the first year since you have to buy the lock from them, but you can use the same lock the following year. Thank you for the reminder. Last year we rented a 4x4 and it was like a tetris puzzle getting everything to fit. The earlier you rent, the better the location you can get. A lower unit is easier to load than an upper unitl.

This is one of those things my son figures out on his own. I think he and some friends use a Public Storage near Target because they do it last minute and anything closer or what the University offers is booked up. Usually involves ZipCar late fee. Builds character.

@Go9ersjrh, I was thinking about that myself. How early would you recommend reserving at Abbott? Also, I think a 4X4 would be too small for my son. The 5X5 should be enough except that he has a bicycle. I don’t suppose that the school would allow them to just leave their bikes chained up on school grounds over the summer?

I can’t help you with the bicycle question. We’ll be making a reservation at Abbott in the next couple of weeks after Nashville thaws out. We’ll be in Nashville for spring break so we’ll probably do it then.

We have used A+ Storage near the Gulch twice, and have been very happy with that. Convenient and clean.

And I would not leave a bike over the summer. It won’t be there when you get back.

My son and his roommate shared a service that drops off boxes based on how much stuff you have, you fill them, they pick them up at move out, then return them at move-in in August. They arranged it all. He flew home with just his summer clothes. I don’t think it was that expensive either.