<p>So i applied to COSMOS, but didn't really work on my app that hard. I think i have a pretty low chance of getting in (biomedical sciences at UCD) being a freshman.</p>
<p>What are some other options? CTY? I went there last year, should i go again?
Stanford EPGY? I don't really know much about it...</p>
<p>So what's the most prestigious camp for a freshman? It doesn't have to be math/science.</p>
<p>Honestly, i don’t think many camps offer courses to freshmen…</p>
<p>as most I’ve seen are sophomore and Junior oriented…</p>
<p>Correct me if im wrong, and that is just my opinion…
hope that helped.</p>
<p>*EPGY targets soph/juniors</p>
<p>thanks so much ns2583!
how does equinox stack up with summer@brown</p>
<p>Well, I posted in your other thread… but it should be around the same “level” (
for lack of better word) as CTY…</p>