<p>Can anyone recommend a good summer writing program for an average writer? My D (a rising sophomore) is an average writer at best. Notwithstanding that she goes to a competitive public high school and has been in what are reputed to be outstanding public schools since kindergarten, she has never had a good language arts teacher, and I do not think her writing (or grammar) is where it should be. We're not interested in a program that will look good to colleges, just in one that will really improve her writing. Any suggestions?</p>
<p>This may not be the answer you are looking for - but if you really want to improve the mechanics of her writing - imho, the best and fastest way is through individual tutoring like with an SAT tutor. It may not be fun but it really works in just a few sessions if your child is already an avid reader.
Now if you want a great creative writing program for a HS Sophmore that’s another question. Some of the prep schools have good summer programs - Choate did have a very nice program specifically for writing and the Putney School in Vermont also has a fun one, albeit more crunchy and artsy.</p>
<p>Flyaround - a tutor is something I’ve considered; my only hesitation is that I doubt my ability to find a good one who will help D. Any suggestions there, other than word of mouth? (Past word of mouth tutoring experiences for a different D have not worked out). I’ve considered asking the head of the English dept. at her HS for a recommendation of the best tutor she knows, but this is the same school system that hasn’t managed to teach her to write in the first place . . . Are there SAT/ACT tutoring outfits that have tutors who are particularly strong in writing?</p>
<p>mdoc - Is there a teacher at your daughter’s school who is known for developing good writing skills? If so, perhaps approach that person about individual tutoring over the summer. </p>
<p>I understand exactly your comments about being in a good school yet not being taught good writing skills. That applies to my son, who has attended excellent magnets his entire school career, and still can’t write an essay to speak of (despite AP English classes ).</p>
<p>I understand exactly where you are coming from. I would not, however, use the same teachers who have not succeeded teaching writing mechanics thus far.
And I can’t recommend one sat prep outfit over another. Sorry to say it but word of mouth may be your best source. Is there a private or parochial school that is known for excelling in this area of language arts?
The good think is, you will be able judge how effective the tutoring is by an increase in scores on sample SAT Reading and writing tests.
Good luck.</p>