SUNY Bing/Dartmouth

<p>Chances for Binghamton and Dartmouth?</p>

<p>High School GPA around a 96</p>

<p>SAT (1400/2200)
Reading- 730
Math- 670
Writing- 800</p>

<p>ECs include Boy Scout Senior Patrol Leader, Class president (only 1 year), acting, singing, and altar serving.</p>

<p>As for APs, I have a 5 in World History and took US History and Literature this May; I take Calculus, Eng. Lang, Biology, and CompSci next year. I'm consistently in Honors/AP courses.</p>

<p>I am confident I can get good recommendation letters and my essay writing skills are fairly strong.</p>

<p>Bump 10char</p>


<p>Wow thanks haha I completely forgot about this thread. I’ve actually ditched Dartmouth since then, I’m probably just going to Bing. Thanks anyways though.
And no I never got Eagle, I’m at Life. My schedule was brutal :(</p>