SUNY Geneseo Vs. SUNY Binghamton

<p>So i'll most likely either be going to Binghamton or Geneseo this fall. As an undecided student which do you think is better suited for me? I don't really care about the size, but I do care about the caliber of people. I know both are great schools. So, anybody have an opinion on either of them?</p>

<p>Looks like my step son will be facing the same decision. Very interested to see the responses. Two very different schools.</p>

<p>I think there you have identified the most unique, important difference that makes Geneseo the clear victor against the bigger institution. Worth noting that Geneseo’s campus is really set in a spectacular location with an awesome view, as well. So because people choose this “isolated, cold, small” school, it eliminates a ton of simple-minded folks who are headed to college only to extend their high school years, get a degree and move on or just party. geneseo offers a degree, an education and a vibrant social scene, but all enriched by people who want to make the most of their experience. overall, kids here really are incredibly open, overwhelmingly friendly and considerate. students really think and have direction in a way that is just not true of binghamton students. I think the quality of life at Geneseo decisively defeats binghamton, as its not only the dedicated professors who make you education, but the wise, wonderful and wild friends who will make your experience.</p>

<p>my vote is for Geneseo!</p>


<p>This is an unfair depiction of Binghamton University. Both Geneseo and Binghamton are selective institutions and both typically choose students of the same academic caliber. Binghamton is a medium-sized institution that focuses much of their direction to undergraduate teaching. Student’s at Binghamton University speak highly of the academic’s as well as the well-rounded social aspects of the university that consist more then just the bar scene. You say in your post “geneseo students have direction in a way that is just not true of binghamton students.” This is misleading and ignorant. Many students at Binghamton go on to do great things in research, law, public service, medicine. You are undermining the level of work-ethic students at this school express.</p>

<p>I don’t think you understand how middle of no where geneseo is.</p>

<p>I don’t know how anyone else feels…but prestige is relatively important to me when deciding what college I’ll be attending. I was accepted to Binghamton and Geneseo, and I am deciding between them and 2 other schools. The running joke seems to be, “How are Geneseo students and Binghamton students the same? They both got into Geneseo.” Honestly though, Geneseo seems to be a happier place than Binghamton. Binghamton got rated the second most obese city in the country and one of the most unhappy cities in the country. In Binghamton, little exists outside the University. In Geneseo, the environment is much more friendly. I think Binghamton does have some better educational opportunities though, and nicer facilities in general.</p>

<p>My son chose Geneseo over Binghamton two years ago and has loved every day there since. We love visiting him and have “discovered” so many beautiful and enjoyable destinations. We have rafted and hiked at Letchworth Park which is 20 minutes away, and enjoyed an amazing meal at the NY Wine and Culinary Center in Canandaigua. There is also an outdoor performance arts center (CMAC) in Canandaigua which offers top line performers in a breathtaking venue. Not to mention Rochester is not that far away and offers more arts and entertainment opportunities. Geneseo certainly has small town charm and friendliness – I would say “in the middle of nowhere” is a really great place to be!</p>

<p>I go to Geneseo, but live in Binghamton. Geneseo has a lot of great classes and academic opportunities with wonderful professors, but the atmosphere can be very boring for people who don’t want to drink or don’t have a car. The pros of Geneseo are the small classes and liberal arts education, but the cons are the small size and rural environment. Binghamton definitely has a larger, more diverse campus than Geneseo and the surrounding area definitely has more to offer as far as entertainment and work opportunities go, but I may just think that because I’ve lived in the area my whole life. While its academics area highly praised, people should know going in that many of the classes are large and there are many foreign professors. Also, I’ve never known a time when the campus hasn’t been under construction. Both schools have highly intelligent people; it’s just a choice of whether you want large classes in a more vibrant atmosphere, or smaller classes in a rural environment.</p>