I’m considering attending SUNY Geneseo this fall, and I am interested in a science major to later attend medical/dental school or perhaps a PA program if possible. I have heard that the grading and workload at Geneseo, especially in the sciences can be pretty rough. Do you think it would be doable for someone with a 1400 SAT score and solid high school grades to get a 3.6 GPA or higher at Geneseo??? Any responses would be very helpful, thank you!

What do you mean by “solid high school grades?” Are we talking high B’s and low A’s, or B’s and C’s? If high B’s, low A’s, I would say yes to maybe a 3.6. Science majors are notoriously hard, so that adds an extra level of difficulty. If you don’t party like crazy and attempt to go to class while completing all your work, then yes! It all really depends on how much effort you put in!