What is it like to live and study in Geneseo?

<p>This is going to be my first year in Geneseo with a major in biology, but before I get my hands wet I have some questions about what I'm getting myself into. </p>

<p>First, since I'm enrolling with a major of biology, is the subject itself relatively difficult in Geneseo (say compared to other colleges)? I'm planning on going into pre-medicine and I heard that in order to be accepted to medical school you need a minimum of 3.6 or 3.7 or above science GPA. Is it extremely difficult to get that high of a grade, for example is it more effort or do I need to be a genius? And if it does require a lot of effort, will I need to bury my head in books all day and night? I mean I enjoy learning about biology but it'd be cool to have time to get to know ppl and hang out with some friends.</p>

<p>Second, I haven't had the chance to go to a campus visit yet so I don't know which hall is right for me. Generally I heard good comments about the dorms and the suites, and since this is going to be my first year, I'll stick with the corridors. But, anyhow, I feel that there are certain things I need to knwo about before living in one of those corridors. Hence, my question is are there any differences between the different halls (besides the seniority of the residents that resides in them). For example, which hall is newest and most sanitized (and which one is the least) or which hall is the most active in social activities.</p>

<p>I know what I am asking may vary from person to person but I just want some kind of feedback on what it's like to live and learn there.</p>

<p>Generally at Geneseo its hard to get great grades. When you think what people have to do to get into Geneseo and then realize most have around 2.5 GPAs it can be discouraging for a pre-med student. Its not impossible though, I've seen many people do it, and you will have a life for most of the time. The people here are friendly and I think most people here have a nice balance here of work and play.</p>

<p>As for the hall thing, its really not that big of a deal. Corridor is what you want if you want to meet people, don't worry about suites after your second year. The dorms are separated into North Side and South Side. More freshman and from what I hear parties happen on South Side (I've only been there a few times though, so I can't say for sure), but I think North Side is better because it is generally closer to everything (classes, more campus food, and frats). Livingston, Jones, and Monroe are the best (and your only choice really for placement on North Side) ones to get, they are kinda old, but everything is still nice there.</p>

<p>Hope you have a good time at Geneseo!</p>

<p>Thanks for the feeback sol, I hope that my first year in Geneseo will be an awesome experience for me. Geneseo sounds like a lot of fun and I hope that I will meet some new and exciting people (unlike the small and monotonous town I already live in). However, I'm also going to try to earn a high gpa (say around 3.6 or above) and try to pursue a field medicine. Again thanks for replying and maybe we'll see each other sometime in the fall!</p>

<p>Perhaps you should have visited Geneseo before committing to it. It is a very good school academically. When you mentioned that you live in a small and monotonous town and you're ready for a different experience, this is where I became a little confused. Geneseo is kind of in the middle of no where and the area immediately around the school is kind of like a "one horse town" if you know what I mean. Sure, you can take a bus into Rochester but it's not like it's right around the corner. Geneseo is very nice with an old charm to it, but it also seems a bit isolated and small. We were there on a Sunday and almost everything in town was closed. The science building is modern but the building where most of the classes are is a converted elementary school (almost identical in look and feel to our local elementary school). It has all of the modern conveniences in the classrooms but it still felt like an elementary school to our son. He liked the academic reputation but after the visit, he realized that he wanted a busier location and a more modern feel. I'm not criticizing Geneseo--it's a terrific college. But, if possible, one should definitely visit the school and the area before making a final decision.</p>

<p>The opportunities to meet new and different people will definitely be there for you on campus despite the fact that we found the location to be a little too remote for what our S was looking for in a campus. Good luck and take advantage of the opportunities offered on campus.</p>

<p>I'm glad I read that info as though the school has a great rep the town isn't what I pictured a college town to be like but never read any comments to that affect. What school did your son decide on?</p>