Super tough senior second semester- will I get rescinded?

I got accepted into American University under their ED 1 decision, but since then my academics have dropped considerably.

I did have some major health issues which I believe caused this academic decline. I had extreme chronic migraines and fatigue, which went on for several months and still occur to an extent. This caused me to miss a considerable amount of school and I had to take 2 MRIs.

Anyways- I dropped my French class entirely, and I was unable to complete an internship I was doing. Additionally I was part of 2 special programs at school which I also dropped. (a global leadership and a STEM program). BC Calc I had switched down to AB Calc.

My grade in AP Lit also decreased from a B to a B-.

What are the chances of me getting rescinded? I’m a bit worried since my grades are all locked in at this point and I can’t do anything to change them.

AU typically doesn’t rescind unless a student fails a core (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) class. From what it sounds like, you’ll be fine, but I’d suggest reaching out to your admissions counselor to let them know of the situation. It’s a bit late in the process but it’ll at least give you a definitive answer.

No C’s? Completing your mandatory classes? I’d say you’re probably fine. Can you tell them that you’ve gotten the migraines and fatigue under control, so they’re not worried that it’s gonna tank your fall semester, too?

Agree…I think you will be OK. But I would let your admissions officer know the following:

– Your illness led you to miss a lot of school and is why your grades dropped and why you dropped a course/changed course levels. You can offer to get a doctor’s note if they like.

-Let admissions know that you have a plan for getting back to where you were academically and why this won’t happen again (ex. Plan to take advantage of prof. office hours, that your medical situation has been managed etc.)

–Remind that American is your absolute top choice and you were accepted ED.

You may also ask your guidence counselor for advice. It would be helpful for the guidance counselor to explain the situation as well so your situation it is echoed by a third party.

IMO the biggest issue is dropping two classes (French and AP Calc BC) without notifying/seeking approval from admissions after AU accepted you. Did the acceptance letter specifically detail what to do if you wanted to drop/change senior year classes?

What is the status with your chronic migraines and fatigue? Are you being successfully treated for them?


Listen to the advice here but my nephew with severe migraines gets botox injections periodically. It’s been a life changer for him. Talk to your doctor. His neurologist is the one giving them. I won’t go into it but it changed his life. Good luck. BTW - the severe migraines created the fatigue. All went away.


The OP has already asked a variation of this question under another account. Since multiple accounts are not allowed, I am closing this thread.