Sweet Home Alabama

<p>As I was turning. Off the TV to leave for the airport this morning I was pleasantly surprised to see, and hear, Lynard Skynard performing Sweet Home Alabama. I called my son into the room and we had an impromptu sing/dance party :)</p>

<p>He was so excited! We are convinced it was a sign that he’s in for an amazing four years. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>I also believe that was s sign, lovemykids2! :slight_smile: Great feeling, huh? Roll Tide!</p>

<p>That song was making me cry before we left for T-Town. Haven’t heard it here yet but hoping now it iwll not make me so sad. The song that does make me smile is Trace Atkins “Ala-freaking-bama”. Both songs really make me want to go to a football game though.</p>

<p>Had <em>just</em> finished reading this thread when we got the call our rental van was ready. DS practically threw me in his car, and as we sped off to Hertz, he asked me to find a ‘good’ radio station. When the first song I tuned to was Kid Rock belting the refrain ‘…singin’ Sweet Home Alabama all summer long…", I immediately shouted “It’s a SIGN!”, and began seat dancing. DS could only shake his head sadly, while desperately trying to bite back his enormous grin.</p>

<p>We are packed, loaded and finally ready to ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Love the chorus of the song, but hate the other lyrics. Really stupid if you ask me. “Watergate does not bother me…” huh? But the music in that song is wonderful!</p>

Lynyrd Skynyrd ! Sweet Home Alabama ( Roll Tide Roll)

@Atlanta68, it’s a political song at heart (“In Birmingham they love the governor/Boo, boo, boo!”), and at that point is pointing out that the South doesn’t have a monopoly on hideousness in government.