switching community college dilemma

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I'm stuck on deciding if I should switch from one community college to another. I currently attend City College of San Francisco and have been struggling to pass my classes while my friends at Skyline and San Mateo Community College are breezing through their courses and getting accepted into prestigious UC's. I have been told that the physics and calculus/linear algebra courses are much easier at Skyline compared to CCSF. I have compared all their tests to mine and my tests compared to theirs was so much harder that it was ridiculous. I have passed all these courses and am ready to transfer in another year, but I currently have a cumulative GPA of 2.88 and am very bummed about it. I know you guys are probably about to tell me to speak with my school counselors, but every counselor that I talk to points me in a different direction, and I have 2 W's on my transcript somewhat because of them. A counselor told me to take Psychology and Asian American Studies and after the withdrawal date, 3 other counselors recommended that I withdraw from them if I have any doubts of getting an A. Anyways, if I do decide to switch over to Skyline or San Mateo Community College, I have no doubt that I can get A's in my classes since this will all be a repeat, but would my transcript follow me over there or would I have a clean slate? I understand that I would be much better prepared than my friends, but what's the point of being prepared if I can't even get into the colleges that I'm striving for? Is it possible to transfer only certain classes, presumably the ones I've aced, while leaving the others out? What do you guys think of it all? Thanks and sorry for the "life-story length" post, but I'm stressed out of my mind and feel that I've run out of people to ask for help.</p>

<p>86 views and not 1 reply?</p>

<p>“if I do decide to switch over to Skyline or San Mateo Community College, I have no doubt that I can get A’s in my classes since this will all be a repeat, but would my transcript follow me over there or would I have a clean slate?”</p>

<p>This is a question for the counselors at your current school. They will be able to tell you whether repeating a course at a different California Community College will replace a previous grade, and how the universities in California interpret community college transcripts.</p>

<p>When you apply for admission to any accredited community college, college, or university in the US, you must submit official transcripts of every other accredited community college, college, or university in the US that you have ever attended. Don’t worry about the Ws. Everyone has some of those sooner or later.</p>

<p>I am concerned about your assumption that you will do better in some classes just because your friends have told you that you will. Unless you have actually taken classes at both institutions (or with both professors) you really can’t compare them. Changing schools will not automatically raise your grade. By the time you change schools in order to re-take the classes, there is every chance that the professors will have changed too.</p>

<p>Your transcript won’t follow you there. But if you’re thinking about not reporting your past college than you’re in for a world of hurt when applying to universities. There is something called the “National Clearinghouse” which handles this kind of stuff, so lying about not attending a past school may get you blacklisted from colleges. You shouldn’t have taken community college so lightly, even though you have said that there are hard professors. Deal with it or go to the other community college if you think the professors are easier there. No matter where you end up you are still going to have to make an effort and study hard to get an A.</p>

<p>Also there is no such thing as picking which courses you want to transfer to your community college.</p>

<p>First of all, please don’t automatically make the assumption that I took college lightly, because I really didn’t. Yes, I don’t have the grades that all potential ivy league students strive for, but I did spend countless nights studying with no sleep, visiting office hours - basically, giving up my social life. If I was taking college lightly, than what were my friends doing? While I was literally busting my ass Monday-Sunday when I’m not working, my friends were at home playing video games and hanging out. I don’t mean to get defensive, but I strongly dislike it when people make an assumption that I’m not trying hard enough when I really am. I appreciate your responses and I will be discussing my situation with a different counselor. </p>

<p>As for the transferring to a different college situation, I planned to take the same professors that my friends have taken because when I looked at their Physics exam, I scored way better than they did. Thank you again for your responses, I really appreciate it.</p>