Switching Majors as a Freshman- Bio to Microbio?

I’d like to switch my major as soon as possible; I know 1st quarter freshmen cant, but am I able to start the process in 2nd quarter? Do you think it’s possible I could officially BE a microbio major by 3rd quarter freshmen year (or sooner)?

I’m trying to switch from just general Bio. I don’t see how it would be much of a problem considering that, now that official schedules have come out, I’m taking the same exact classes 1st quarter as a lot of microbio majors that I’ve talked to.

Also, if anyone has insight as to HOW to start that process, when I can, I’d appreciate it. How soon is too soon for me to talk to an academic advisor about it?

Microbiology - Change of Major Requirements
Microbiology B.S. involves the following minimum requirements:

  1. Consult with the department chair to plan your transition
  2. Have a C or better in one of these classes: BIO 160, BIO 161, BIO 162
  3. Have a C or better in one of these classes: MCRO 221, MCRO 224
  4. Have a C or better in one of these classes: CHEM 124 or CHEM 127, CHEM 125 or CHEM 128, CHEM 129
  5. Have a term GPA of at least 2.4 in the last two quarters before changing majors.
