Switching majors at VT

<p>how hard would it be to switch into the Architecture program after freshman year?</p>

<p>Very very very hard.</p>

<p>if i am not sure what i want to major in yet would it be best to put down Gen Ed when applying or choose a major i might be interested in to start with?</p>

<p>What majors are you thinking about? If you truly have no idea then yes, Gen Ed is probably the best idea. If you're leaning toward Architecture or Engineering it may be worth it to try and start in them, since it's hard to transfer in.</p>

<p>hmm well basically right now i am still trying to figure out what i like and probably won't now until my sophomore year after taking a few classes to see what i am interested in</p>

<p>Then I suppose you don't really have a choice other than Gen Ed. Try and talk with your adviser about what classes will put you in the right track for the general direction you want to head in.</p>

<p>You must have taken your SATs and ACTs correct? I believe they have something on their websites (I know the practice SAT does) that shows what you match up to based on your strengths. DO NOT base your career on this, its simply some advise. </p>

<p>I also know there are tests you can take just for things you're interested in, not SATs that test your strengths, but basic questionaires (some more in-depth than others) that match you to careers. They're worth looking into.</p>