SWMS 210gm Social Issues in Gender

<p>Can ppl who took this before tell me if this is a good class to take? Interesting? Easy? Thanks!</p>

<p>Sorry I can't answer any of your questions...but I'm taking this too! Tue/Thu at 2. What about you?</p>

<p>S just took the class and got an A. He said there was a lot of reading and memorizing what author said what. The professor talked about random stuff that was not on the test but his study group was very good and went over the important stuff. There were two short essays and one long essay. Overall, he said it was pretty interesting and not very hard.</p>

<p>(<---HEY! I just got promoted to Senior Member by hitting 1,000 posts!)</p>

<p>cc411, does this mean you can get "senior" discounts at Denny's? WooHoo.</p>

<p>Does anyone know of any "easy" classes for this GE category? I'm taking RELI 140</p>

<p>If anyone has any thoughts about that class, do let me know! (=</p>

<p>Get out of religion 140 ASAP. I've posted other things about it, so just search for that.</p>

<p>What is RELI 140?</p>