Syracuse Class of 2027 Official Thread

Good luck to your DD (and all our kids).

Every school has different criteria for filling their class. Qualifications are in the eye of the school. Trying to come up with what the rhyme/reasons are is futile.

Hopefully we’ll all know more tomorrow night.

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We are right there with you. Rejected at a few, waitlisted at a few and Syracuse “should” be a yes if you look at stats only - but we know that’s not how this game is played. So so so stressful. Let’s manifest an acceptance for both of our students!


We are really hoping tomorrow is when Syracuse will drop decisions :crossed_fingers:


Which school? I feel like with her stats the only one to sweat (only because EVERYONE has to sweat) is Newhouse. Either way, GOOD LUCK!!!


Oh dear… our applicant is applying to Newhouse :cry:
We had no idea when they applied how tough of an admit that was even for a high stats/very involved EC kind of applicant.
Crossing fingers and toes over here :heart:

Something to consider when comparing to other kids that got into school X is what program they were applying into.

In addition to a couple of rejections and a waitlist our DS was admitted to a couple of schools but NOT to the program applied to. Some programs at some schools are just super-competitive to get into.

How was your DD’s demonstrated interest for Syracuse?


No she definitely has a great chance! One of my daughter’s close friends has basically the same stats and I definitely think she does too! Newhouse is just the most competitive one though. So the friend knows it very well could happen, but she shouldn’t beat herself up if it doesn’t. I’ll send good vibes for you kid too!!!

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We are in the same situation. Should be a yes but this admissions cycle has been anything but predictable. This is floating to one of the top choices. :crossed_fingers:

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This is a great point. My kid got into Stony Brook RD in December with merit, and now I am seeing several kids with better stats than her getting rejected. BUT….there’s likely a big difference between an English/Education major and CS or Marine Biology…we are fully aware it was easier for her!


It should be a yes for my D23 as well (applied for forensic science), but who knows! I’m an alum but I don’t even know if legacy carries any weight. 4.78 weighted, 1530 SAT, forensic science published research - we are hoping its a yes! (She did get into Penn State for forensic science as well, so she’s got that)

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We’re waiting to hear from Newhouse too, Television, Radio, and Film. Both mom and dad are SU alums (dad Newhouse alum) and D23 attended their Pre-College filmmaking program last summer but the longer the wait, the more we’re bracing ourselves for a possible rejection. We’re concerned that she decided not to dual major like most Newhouse students do because she wanted to take as many Newhouse classes as possible and dual majoring in Writing and Rhetoric required 90 credits in A&S. We agree with her decision, and she would minor in writing if she attended, but not sure if they’ll perceive not dual majoring as a negative.

Thank you.
This is our 3rd student to go through the college process and it’s been so different. We are also in a very competitive private school so the competition is tough. I believe our applicant is the only one from our school who applied to Newhouse - and their stats are high. They are a serious athlete so it was impossible to get to campus until recently so the demonstrated interest part probably hurt them. We were able to visit recently, during a beautiful NY snow storm and they loved campus. At this point, it’s out of our hands but this has been a really rough process.

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And lets not forget that unless you’re full pay capable even the offer of admission carries with it an understanding of the FA picture.

Lots of tough decisions to make over the next 6 weeks!


Unpredictable is one word for this admission cycle! :joy:
This is our 3rd applicant to go through this process and it’s been the strangest one yet. So glad to have this in our rear view window and start focusing on the future. Our applicant has been so disappointed and really needs the confetti at this point! Good luck to your applicant as well :orange_heart:


This is so true. Our D23 applied to filmmaking programs and submitted A LOT of applications, 26, because of how competitive most of the programs are (and five were just addons to public colleges applications). She’s done great thus far, admitted to 17 of 20. The three she was not admitted to were for the film programs, not the colleges. Each of those three colleges asked if she wanted to be admitted for another major.


My 3rd and final, thank goodness, too. Completely different experience.

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26 - Holy smokes that’s a lot of supplemental questions! I thought our son was on the higher end of applications with 12. Good luck to your daughter prioritizing all those acceptances for a decision. Not a bad problem to have though.

It’s been a learning experience for sure. Looking at the broader qualifications to get into a school and seeing that your child meets those reasonably well and getting the "thanks for applying, unfortunately we only admit 30/year into this major, can we interest you in … "


Newhouse here as well for my daughter. She was waitlisted at Clemson (program capped at 30 so kind of expected). Her top 4 all coming within the next 2 weeks. This has been a brutal process!


DD applied to Maxwell. As far as demonstrated interest, I honestly don’t think there is one more thing she could have done. 2 visits, interview, online class, interact with admissions both at her high school and via email.

This is the critical point. Stats are only relevent where comparing kids with the same demographics and geography applying to the same majors. They have a certain number of spots they want for each department and they also want a certain mix of kids from differnt background and from different states.