Syracuse Class of 2027 Official Thread

Do I laugh or cry? :laughing:

Iā€™m gonna pour wine :woman_facepalming:t2:

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I could go for some kombucha right about now tbh.

That happened an hour agoā€¦ or I should say Guinness. At least make it Irish wine in honor of the day.


Ah ok. Did anyoneā€™s portal or slice change at all?


Maybe they are waiting until after the Myslice update tomorrow.

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Not ours

Yes, the lack of transparency is kind of appalling, though the folks said other schools donā€™t necessarily see the changes when one school submits a ā€œcorrection.ā€ I deduced it was Syracuse just because the one change I saw on my SAR was exactly the thing that kept asking me about, and then the Syracuse Financial Aid Office confirmed when I called to ask. That was when I found out they hadnā€™t received all the documents I sent. Since I approached it with a ā€œhey, Iā€™m curiousā€ attitude, I had a productive conversation with them, and I got the sense they wanted to try to get it right.

It is very possible to follow the paths of other majors, along with Newhouse. I have a bunch of friends who are double majors in Newhouse and Finance or Newhouse and Mathā€¦ they are doing great and very happy to be pursuing both. There are also clubs that can help with that too. CitrusTV and Z89 have a lot of opportunities to learn about all the ins-and-outs of TV and radio listening and measuring statistics on that. You can also definitely create opportunities for yourself if you donā€™t find what you are looking for. I helped create a Stock Market TV show after there was not one and I am only a freshman. Newhouse definitely does not consume you. Also, there are so many different avenues in terms of sparking your creativity. My first semester, I was in a class where I got to make my own movies. The professors in those classes (COM117) are fantastic and have so much background in the field. My professor directed many movies overseas and is also a filmmaker. The creativity that I have been able to express in both Newhouse and clubs are amazing. I cannot stress that enoughā€¦ I am a creative person, but quiet at times, and my first semester at Newhouse has been extremely beneficial in my creative side. To answer your other question, Newhouse is HUGE HUGE HUGE into working with your peers. Yes, Newhouse is super competitive at times, but everyone there realizes how hard they worked and we all want each other to succeed. One thing that helped me adapt to Syracuse was how good the classes are with peer work. I have been able to meet some of my closest friends through working together in my Newhouse classes and also in my Syracuse classes as well. It can be intimidating, and at times there are some competition (with clubs and other extracurriculars, but it is really emphasized and followed at Newhouse that everyone is a team and I feel so comfortable with my peers, knowing that they can help when neededā€¦ Let me know if you have any other questions! Happy to help!

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Thank you! I would be more than happy to answer your questions. Good luck!!

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nopeā€¦ nothing. Maybe it will be sometime tonightā€¦ or admissions is celebrating St. Pattys.

The college kickstart website says 3/18

It was torturous last year when I was waiting for my decision. Between this site and kickstart, the dates kept changingā€¦ obviously stay hopeful but donā€™t let it consume you and have you refreshing every minute. I made that mistake.

The College kickstart site read that decisions will be out 3/18? What is college kickstart? Maybe they decided against the typical Friday release and pushed it to Saturday because after all, its St. pattyā€™s and if people started drinking early, there could be belligerent people if they donā€™t get accepted :slight_smile:


I believe that date is from 2022, if youā€™re looking at the chart that lists the dates for all schools.

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Just looked it up and saw thatā€¦ yes, that was from 2022. Which you would think it would be the 17th this year. Again though, it IS St. Pattys :slight_smile: haha. Have a great night!

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Well itā€™s almost 6:30pm EST and zero movement
so Iā€™m guessing we have to wait till next week :persevere:


Hello all,

Just a few hours ago, my son received an email from the Syracuse F/A Office. The way its worded sounds as if he was admitted(no notification yet) and are asking him to complete his task list on MySlice(which he hadnt yet signed up for) in order to be eligible for ā€œfederal and/or institutional aidā€. Has anyones kiddo received anythung similar and is this a good sign for admission? TIA

Yes we did a couple of months ago ā€¦ Iā€™m sorry but I donā€™t think thatā€™s a signā€¦ my son signed up immediately for MySlice after he submitted his application reason why we got the email early to complete additional financial aid forms is this what it looked like

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we received something similar end of Januaryā€¦

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