Syracuse Class of 2027 Official Thread

Do you think there may be some decisions out later today or is consensus that first wave is next Friday?

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Do they announce when they are coming out or is it just a surprise?

There was a ā€œwaveā€ - though might have been more of a ripple - last week. Looking back at previous years they release decisions Fridays (generally after 5) throughout March and into early April. The big releases seem to be 3/17 & 3/24. Nothing I could tell from the prior year threads that would give any indication as to a specific criteria of who got what and when.

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It seems like last weekā€™s ripple was mostly international applicant acceptances?

Would be great to hear something today! But not really expecting anything.

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Johnā€™s Hopkins RD release day is 3/17. Iā€™d think SU would want to get their decisions out before Hopkins, no? Though, thatā€™s likely just the antsy mom in me hoping weā€™ll get something this afternoon/eveningā€¦ Best of luck to all!

In NY, our spring break is in March, but we will gladly skip a day of school to attend Syracuse admitted student day (:pray:t2: :crossed_fingers:). :blush:

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We are really hoping for an admission with some good financial aid. He is eligible for a large scholarship via the tuition exchange program (a professor employer thing). The whole family just fell in love with Syracuse when we visited last summer. It would be such a lovely surprise to get an affordable offer there. I could definitely see my kid choosing to go there if the aid is sufficient.

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Not disagreeing but I found that strange so googled it and it looks like high school spring break in NY is 4/8-4/14. You might be thinking of college spring break which is in March (?)

Iā€™m in Central NY and our school district and most others are April 3-7 this year.

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Current SU Mom here, just lurking LOL. Last year, there were definitely Portal changes on the day my son received his acceptance, but not before. If you go back to last yearā€™s thread, you will see the discussion. Others saw the same thing. What happened was that ā€œApplicant Homeā€ looked the same, but if you clicked on ā€œStudent Homeā€ there was a link for Financial Aid with the year 2022-23. It was not a clickable link, but a few days to a week later when the award was ready it became clickable. I am not sure if only accepted students had this change or everyone did. My son was accepted on March 18 and this change happened a couple hours before. March 18 was the first major wave of acceptances (there were smaller waves in the weeks prior, mainly larger scholarship recipients and possibly international) and continued on Fridays for a few weeks.


@momof2boys65 coming in clutch with the portal astrology and silly details weā€™re all looking for. Thanks!


is this the application status portal or myslice? iā€™ve had recent changed to my status portal (shifting of info, new financial aid to do list) but no changes on myslice though.

MySliceā€¦ go in there and at the top there is a drop-down at the top.

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You googled our high school? I can 100% assure you that our high schoolā€™s spring break is March 17 - April 2ā€¦ tons of kids heading to PI for break. (Whether you think itā€™s strange or not, it is what it is.)

And, I was merely stating that if Syracuse is a yes for our applicant, we will happily, gladly skip school in April, to attend admitted student day.

Our high school is March 17 - April 2. Canā€™t get here soon enough, itā€™s been a long winter.

I googled NY State Spring Break. Like I said, wasnā€™t disagreeing with you but was curious. Most of the schools Iā€™m familiar with in the NE area have a February break and a April break - clearly thatā€™s not all of them. :slight_smile:

Most private schools have different break schedules than the public schools do. Lots of the boarding schools are on spring break now. Everyone in schools around us have spring break at some point in March.


According to My Slice they are doing an update on Saturday March 18th donā€™t know if that means anything from a decision or financial aid perspective

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If you didnā€™t apply for financial aid, do you have access to My Slice?

You should - eventually itā€™s the student portal where theyā€™re able to view grades, register, etc.