Take a look at my schedule?

<p>This might be a difficult post to answer, but in light of recent events, I was hoping if you more enlightened CCers might could take a look at my first choice schedule and tell me the likelihood of whether or not I could get all or most of it. Looking on mybama, I can’t tell for some of these courses if they’re full because of the freshman hold or because they’ve already been taken (excluding PHL 291, which has plenty of spots still). Thanks guys!</p>

<p>CHI 101
PHL 106
PHL 291
BUI 100
BUI 101</p>

<p>Just so you guys know, that’s Chinese, Philosophy, and Blount.
I also worry about the whole matter of being taken as a sophomore with my AP credits, but I guess it shouldn’t really affect my schedule because none of these classes (with the possible exception of Blount) are freshmen-only.</p>

<p>the 291 Phil class may be the only one that you might not get into…so have back ups.</p>

<p>There are actually lots of seats left if mybama is correct, so I found myself worrying least about that one.
I was more worried about CHI 101 and getting the teacher I wanted (Keene) for BUI 101.</p>