Trying to make schedule for aug bama bound (worried about moving-in/orientation/OOS college-life)

<p>I am asking for advice since I’m going to attend august bama bound. Culture shock, packing, moving-in, safety, attending orientation, finding doctor/dentist and bank (or CU), learning how to do laundry are most things I need to consider while I fight for open seats for classes. Hopefully I can make it easier for myself when signing up for class on August. </p>

<p>-Mechanical Engineering Major but maybe want to do Electrical Eng.</p>

[li]CH101 vs CH117 - 4 CR;</p>[/li]
<p>[li]PH101 no calc vs PH105 vs PH121 - 4 CR [/li](hopefully i dont need to take ph101; hopefullly 105 and 121 are not full) </p>

<p>[li]EN102 vs EN103 - 3 CR [/li] Skipping EN101 with AP credit.</p>

<p>[li]ENGR103 vs taking ME121/ECE121 and ENGR 142 and ENGR111 concurrently- 3 CR[/li]Also, I’m a bit confused by the requirements listed under [Common</a> Freshman Year.](<a href=“Login - CAS – Central Authentication Service”>Login - CAS – Central Authentication Service)</p>

<p>[li]PHL106 Honors Intro Deductive Logic, vs PHL191 Honors Intro to Philo. vs PHL221 Honors intro to ethics - 3 CR[/li]I really wanna try an ethics class :-/ Advice on taking a 200 level humanities class when never tried humanities class before (no community college, no prior experience in humanities)? </p>

<p>[li]This makes 17 CR. According to [this, " The maximum load for which an entering freshman or transfer student may register during the first term at The University of Alabama is 17 hours."](<a href=“”></a>)</p>[/li]
<p>[li]OR instead of PHILSOPHY I can take 3 CR in Lin.Alg vs Diff. Eq (not Calc 3 cuz thats 4CR). [/li][/ul]</p>

[li]Should I take chem and physics concurrently? </p>[/li]
<h2>[li] Can I take ENGR 142 if I have a 5 on Calc BC and no AP physics class/score? [An accelerated course for students in all engineering disciplines that is open to students with AP Physics credit or initial placement into Calculus II or higher.](<a href=“Login - CAS – Central Authentication Service”>Login - CAS – Central Authentication Service</a>)</h2>[/li]
<p>[previous search on engr142](<a href=“”></a>)
[li] Can ENGR103 be exempted this year? (question has been asked [in</a> this thread)](<a href=“]in”>[/li][li] Other general advice? [/li][/ol] </p>

<p><<<learning how="" to="" do="" laundry="">>></learning></p>

<p>do that NOW…you should be doing your laundry NOW so it isnt a new thing. ask a parent how to sort clothes, select water temp, treat stains (resolve/spray n wash green bottle, oxyclean, and liquid Dawn get out a bunch of stains)</p>

<p>attend the wow functions…there should also be a party for all the OOS frosh.</p>

<p>will a parent be coming with you? if so, have them help you open an alabama credit union acct and get a debit card.</p>

<p>we can help with the doctor/dentist/ortho issues…</p>

<p>for BB…make a large grid with days of the week on the top row and times going down the first column. Use large cells. In each cell put a few class options (like MWF 10am - 10:50 Gen Chem crn XYXZY, Calc crn XXYZZ, Phil crn XXYYY), so that you can quickly input another choice if classes are full. You register with the 5 digit CRN number so always have that written down for each class section.</p>

<p>I am a member of a [CUswirl credit union](<a href=“”>;/a&gt;). here are its locations in UA. [imgur(dot)com/7JXmdRR.png] sorry cant hyperlink; format gets screwed. I dont think i’m ready for a new CU account in another state. I have a checkings and savings in my state. </p>

<p>whats a wow function?</p>

<p>i am learning how to do the laundry on reddit lol… my mom said always use cold water on everything to be safe… delicate cycle for nice clothes… regular cycle for undies and socks… hoping if its possible to pre-soak socks to get rid of smell </p>

<p>never thought of that excel sheet thats awesome; now i dont need schedule builder (which doesnt work since every class is “full” lol)</p>

<p>ill post a seperate thread for doctor/dentist/ortho if needed</p>

<p>Thanks! </p>

<p>I would not take Chem and Physics concurrently. Both are 4 credit hours and involve a lab. Time consuming and could be difficult (not sure of your background in sciences).</p>

<p>Take ENG 103 instead of ENG 102.</p>

<p>ENGR 142 no longer exists, so that is not an option to take ME/ECE121+ENGR111+ENGR142 concurrently.</p>

<p>You ‘have’ to take ME121/ECE121, regardless for this major.</p>

<p>You ‘have to’ take ENGR103 (on paper at least, for now, the way I read it). So, as you have written: chem (4) + physics (4) + english (3) + engr103 (3) + me/ece121 (1) + philosophy/logic (3) would be 18 credit hours? You do not need to take ENGR103 your 1st semester according to flowcharts.</p>

<p>I would not take DiffEQ or Linear Alg before getting Calc III out of the way. Besides, taking a high level math class + chem + physics all together in semester 1 may be difficult for a lot of people.</p>

<p>Can you shed some light on why en103 rather than en102? </p>

<p>Maybe I’ll take it easy on the math… I’m one/two semesters ahead so should focus on doubling chem + physics.</p>

<p>I guess I have to resort to “look-up classes” in mybama for the list available classes. </p>

<p>Any advice on which PHL? </p>

<p>which profs are teaching PHL? Torin Alter and Wrenn are the best.</p>

<p>I’m assuming you qualified to skip ENG101 because of AP score or ACT sub-score (or both). If so, you are qualified to move on, and should do so. Also, if you are in Honors College, take the Honors section of ENG103 - it will only have <20 students per section as opposed to 25. You get to pick your topic for the class (depending on which section you sign up for) - I think it is a cool intro to UA and your first semester. ENG102 has about 5 different topics to choose from (depending on the section); ENG103 has 7 or 8 different topics (too lazy to count exactly, but/so it appears 103 has more topic choices?). Just my $.02.</p>

<p>I’m somewhat confused about your looking up classes comment. Of course you need to go into mybama for the list of available courses for Fall 2014. Schedule builder is useful once you are no longer a new, incoming student, precisely because so many intro classes are “full”. On mybama, go into the Fall semester, then go to each department (i.e., ENG or ENGR or MATH or CH, etc.). Even tho some classes are full, a few spots will open up for each BB session. Some go very quick tho, so have those CRNs written down and type them in all at once (you don’t have to do only 1 class at a time, to register). Have alternatives to these CRNs, in case a course is full at the time you want it. It’s a bit of a tense chess match, not knowing which section will allow you to register (remember that only certain labs go with certain sections of chem/phy!!!), so you have to sometimes move around your schedule to fit in everything. Have a priority of classes but recognise that your #1 choice of schedule might not work out at BB. If you go into Fall 2013 schedule (or other previous semesters) on mybama, you can see how many seats/students were in each section, and this can give you some idea of whether you will be able to legit get into a class or not. </p>

<p>WOW = Week of Welcome. <a href=“”>Weeks of Welcome - University Programs; (list coming soon!)</p>

<p>Good luck, incoming students!!!</p>



<p>some stains really need warm water…especially if oily…but do sort.</p>

<p>I did see a new detergent that says you dont have to sort…</p>

<p>Safety… bama is a safe campus, but no matter where you are, bad things can happen late at night…walking alone, etc. be smart…always better to travel in groups at night.</p>

<p>Deductive Logic is the best…honors version requires one more test.</p>

<p>Fall frosh semester is an adjustment semester…dont take too much. also avoid 8am classes.</p>

<p>Use Shout or similar to pre-treat any oily stains! Use those color catcher sheets (also by Shout brand?) if you’re mixing lights/coloreds/darks.
The dryers in the dorms run HOT, so caution is needed there.</p>

<p>And, can I add that it is refreshing that a student is asking for advice on all these things (instead of the parent figuring everything out for the student). You are miles ahead of the process by learning to do these things yourself. I wish my freshman had been as inquisitive as you are about how to make the whole move-in process go more smoothly. ;)</p>

<p>Re dr/dentist, try to get all of this taken care of in your hometown before you start college. The Student Health Center can handle most things, should you need medical attention (bring copies of all scripts as a record, and any other records of previously documented health issues, if applicable). Schedule your 6-mo dentist visits in advance now, for when you go home at Winter break (or any other break that is convenient to space out the visits).</p>

<p>Re banking, this is a matter of preference. My son never has seen the need for a local bank account over the past 2 years. He uses Bama Cash, his debit card, or personal checks from his account here OOS to pay for everything. </p>

<p>Awesome! Thanks! Yeah, I wish my parents could help but I’m kinda a first-gen college student, parents went ton-U.S. college and are native speakers in their mother tongue (implying less fluent in english) so i gotta do somethings myself lol. </p>

<p>Most EN102 courses look kinda lame lol. imo


<p>I thought there exists an ENGR142 class because I saw it on the course catalog aka That’s why i said I needed to use the look up function from now on to see if the class is actually available. </p>

<p>Oh yeah, I never used a dryer before lol. Just hang dried everything, was safer that way. How about for almost 100% cotton clothes or clothes that need to be hang dried? I heard that cotton shrinks and those that need to be hang dried say so on their tags. </p>

<p>Duly noted for banking, doctor/dentist. </p>

<p>Thanks for the professor recommendations m2ck! </p>

<p>Also, i looked at fall 2013 honors physics and it looks like max is around 60. I looked at fall 2014 hon. phys and there is 0 remaining seats with 60 58 students… So i cant take honors phys this fall :-(</p>

<p>That is very strange that all seats are taken for Honors Physics already, when there are more BB sessions still to come. I don’t know what to say about that…other than I know for the upper math & science classes, freshmen are ‘competing’, in a way, for seats with existing students who are not as far along as you are with incoming credits (i.e. sophomores and juniors, who have already chosen their schedules). For the introductory classes that a typical freshman would chose, tho, a few seats are allocated to each BB session, to make it fair on everyone throughout the summer. You might be able to get a course override (allowing you to be student #61 or 62) in a section, but you have to arrange this at BB and/or with the professor concerned, when the time comes.</p>

<p>AL is a humid climate. The dorms all have central air/heating, which is kept on almost all the time. It will be somewhat difficult (but not impossible) to dry clothes quickly just by hanging them to dry. You could get a folding drying rack, but not sure how your roommate(s) would feel about having that set up all the time? I often toyed with the idea of splurging for son with a heated towel rack, but never got around to it. The towels in the dorm bathrooms don’t seem to dry completely; at least not to my liking. For clothes that can go in the dryer, if you take them out right away (i.e., immediately), there is often no reason to iron them. The dorm washers and dryers each have a messaging system that tells you when your laundry is finished via a text message. </p>

<p>I’d like to mention that ENG 103 was closed when I tried enrolling in it at BB on the 7-8. I guess I’ll be taking it in the Spring semester. Figured I’d mention it so you can have a plan B in case you can’t enroll for the Fall semester</p>

<p>My student had a drying rack in his bedroom, he always hung his jeans up to dry. There was never any problem getting heavy jeans to dry completely. Just wash blouses and hang dry on hangers placed on the drying rack. Works everytime </p>

<p>Thanks for the drying advice, and I am following m2cks advice to make a spread sheet with the time and days. </p>

<p>aeromom: Duly noted. </p>

<p>Last quesiton: can anyone find a syllabus of CH117?</p>

<p>Use Goggle (“ua ch117 syllabus”) and you will get info on CH101, which is the same class, basically?</p>

<p>You are smart to do all this prep work before leaving for Bama Bound, so ask away, we will answer.</p>



<p>but are there any honors BBs left. I dont think non-honors BBs get any/many open seats in honors. I think the bulk of honors seats get opened during honors BBs</p>

<p>@aeromom Is CH101 really the “same” class? I guess whatever is in CH101 WILL be covered in 117. It’s just that CH117 syllabus is kinda hard to find imo. </p>

<p>Yes, that would make sense now m2ck. Better luck in the spring
! </p>

<p>I know this may be off-topic but when do the results come for emerging scholars? It seems, with previous searches, last year (or 2012, idr) that the application was available in march/april/may with results in June. Because it opened first of July this year, I read the faq that selections will be mid-July. Also, previous threads say that people got it “at different times” of the month; will this be the same this year? </p>



<p>Wow, I sure hope that’s not the case, because it was never communicated to us that honors courses would only be made available to students who were able to go to Honors BBs. And we specifically called to find out if my son was going to have a problem if he couldn’t attend any of the Honors sessions, which were all completely filled, BTW, when he went to schedule his BB back in mid-May. We were told there were NO practical disadvantages to attending a regular session.</p>

<p>If he’s closed out of honors courses on top of already having been closed out of honors housing, we may have a serious problem on our hands, because the main reason he chose to attend Alabama was for the Honors College offerings, which I’m fearing are going to end up being mostly in name only for him this fall. I’m glad now I talked him into applying for Alabama Action. At least he’ll get some Honors College contact that way. </p>

<p>I hate to be one of those pushy parents who has to call about everything to get her kid special favors, but is this what we’re looking at, at this point, if he wants to take the honors versions of classes like Calc and Physics, which he already took in high school?</p>