<p>Hey everyone. I'm a sophomore this year and I'm considering loading up on AP classes next year. I have a bunch of people telling me not to do it, but I figure I can handle it (yeah, I know the rigors of an AP class). </p>
<p>To make a long story short, I'm thinking about juggling an eight class course-load next year, but I'll have to take a class on apex. I was wondering how this compared in difficulty to a normal class room, and if the end results are similar (will I be prepared for the AP test?). </p>
<p>Specificaly, I want to know how AP Micro and Macro economics is on apex.
<p>I took AP Micro on apex and got an A. The class was not great. You are taught the material w/ online videos which are very childish (cartoon voices and cheap graphics). Most of the assignments are pointless and will not help you prepare for the AP. I don't think the course as a whole prepares you very well for the AP exam either. Since Apex considers an 85% or above an A for AP Micro it might be easier than a regular class in terms of grades but it is WAY more work than a regular class. Personally I thought I for sure could handle a lot of APs in one year. I don't think you should take more than three per year, maybe four depending on the ones you take...it's not that you won't get A's but you may end up getting no more than 5 hrs of sleep a night...and that's on the non-busy days. Some people obviously can handle it but this is just my opinion.</p>
<p>First of all, do NOT take eight APs your junior year. There is a reason why people are telling you not to do it...it's not a great way to live. No matter how well you manage your time, you will be getting close to no sleep...especially if you do a time consuming EC like a sport. Spread your APs out more over junior and senior year. Going into junior year I thought I would be able to easily manage my five (not eight) AP schedule. I was pulling all-nighters regularly, especially during the swim season. Needless to say, it was complete hell...I'm still weak from last year. </p>
<p>I took AP Micro with Apex also (got an A). I agree with everything Tangy said. I'd like to emphasize that the class is EXTREMELY time consuming. The videos are very childish with really annoying graphics and voices. The homework is a complete drag. I really don't think you should take it. It's NOT worth it. I did well in the class, but I believe the majority of the class did poorly. As Tangy said, Apex puts the scale for an A at 85%. Most of their classes are set at 90%. Clearly Micro is one of their more difficult classes.</p>
<p>Again, I'd like to emphasize two things. First of all, especially if you have a time consuming EC, eight APs junior year would be foolish for almost anyone...even the smarted kids (CC level). You will get very little sleep. I would cut the number down to three if you want to be competative, four at the most (depending which you take). Second, AP Micro with Apex is VERY time consuming and will only add to your other seven APs' work. The class is not good to begin with.</p>
<p>I agree with the other two posters. Personally, I'd only recommend 4 in one year, but it really depends on your school...some are harder than others. I'm taking two in my sophomore year and I always stay up till 1:00 in the morning.</p>
<p>If you were to take 8, then take alot of the easier AP's like AP Pyschology, AP Art Studio, etc. Don't take any history AP's because they will kill you (at my school you have to do outlines for AP Govt and AP History classes....they are hell).</p>
<p>haha I'm talking about taking 5 a year (one of them being on apex) and the other classes would be general requirements (P.E., etc) and student government (which is a zero hour class). Not 8 AP's! I'm ambitious, not crazy! Sorry I expressed myself so unclearly. Here's what I want my schedule to look like:</p>
<p>Student Government
AP Language and Composition
AP US History
AP French
AP Psychology
AP MicroEconomics/Apex
AP MacroEconomics/Apex</p>
<p>If you could provide further advice now that I've clarified a few things, I'd appreciate it. Regardless of whether you want to contribute anymore, thanks for the 4 AP's suggestion. I'll definitely consider it.</p>
<p>Ok, that doesn't look too bad in terms of difficulty. Just know that you will be reading a ton in AP US, AP Psych and AP English. If you're a good weekend reader then it shouldn't be a problem but if reading a textbook for a several hours does not suit you then I would take some type of AP Science course like Chem.</p>