Question 1: If you take extra courses at a community college,
do the credits you get from the community college show up on your
official transcript?
Question 2: I’m a rising junior and I’m in Geometry honors right now. I really want to graduate with AP calculus, but if I took Algebra 2 honors in my junior year, I would end up with Trig. honors instead of AP calculus.
I was planning to take Algebra 2 in the summer, then take trig. in my junior year and AP calculus in my senior year. However, this won’t work because summer schools don’t offer honors courses and my school won’t let me jump from a regular class to an honors class. This means that if I took Alg 2 in the summer, I would end up with calculus, but not AP.
Is it a better idea to take Calculus (not AP/honors) in my senior year
or just to continue with my honors classes but finish with trig.?
My teacher says that an only way to take AP calculus for me is to
just take alg.2 honors next year along with trig(precalculus) course
at a community college. Is this a good idea?
I’ve never done this before so I don’t know how this works.
Can somebody explain this to me?
<p>I thought the general rule of thumb is as follows:</p>
<p>If it shows up on your high school transcript, then it's being counted as high school credit.</p>
<p>If it's a separate transcript, it's college credit.</p>
<p>Some colleges may give you college credit for it even if it is counted as a high school course, but not all of them will. Your chances are better if you treat it as an "extracurricular" college course.</p>
<p>I could be wrong, of course. This is a muddy, complicated area and I know it varies from institution to institution. </p>
<p>If taking the Comm. college class allows you to take the AP test and score highly enough to be awarded credit by your college, then I guess it's a moot point anyway. You'll have your credit, no matter how the CC course is reported.</p>
<p>im not sure how CC credits work at your school, but at mine, they are dual enrollment, meaning they count toward both college and high school credit. I think the best option for you would be to take alg 2 this summer, although im not sure if it's too late to sign up, and take trig ur jr year. If you're pretty good in math, i think you can handle ap calc ab if you get a good prep book like master the ap calc test. I'm not sure how trig and alg 2 @ the same time would work for you, but if you think you're up for it, go for it. The ap calc test is not very hard and u only need about a third of the questions right to get a 3. Also, look into to find out if online courses are an option for you. Hope this helps.</p>
<p>you need to check with your gc -- every school district handles it differently. In out district, if you take a class at the jc that is required for HS graduation, then it is added to the HS transcript. However, if it is not required as a minimum graduation requirement, then it is not placed on the transcript.</p>
<p>In your case as an example, taking Alg II/trig at a jc would not be added to the transcript in our district, bcos Alg I is the only grad requirement. Higher math is considered an elective.</p>
<p>I concur with your teacher: Alg II honors can be a rigourous course, whereas precalc is a lot of AlgII review, and then trig is added on later. So his/her suggestion makes sense.</p>