Taking Microbiology Lab and Lecture Seperate

So I’m enrolled in MCB2000 and its lab for summer A which is a little over a month long. After I finished my spring classes I returned home. Originally my plan was just to come home this summer and work but before I left school I went to one of my advisors to make sure my fall class schedule was ok, and while I was there she enrolled me in Microbio, so it wasn’t something initially included in my plans. I told her this and she asked where I was from and I do only live a little over an hour away from my college and she asked if I had transportation where I can commute and I said yes. I don’t really have a problem with the lecture portion becuase the lectures are recorded and posted online so I don’t have to attend lecture. However with lab, it is 2 days a week that I have to be there and runs from 2-6:45 and for me to get there in time I would have leave my house by 12pm. When I get there I run into the issue of actually getting to my class becuase parking restrictions are still in effect and there’s no bus routes avalible to that building, so I don’t know where I could park without possibly getting a ticket. Additionally when I checked my fees due I have to pay $1000 just for these 2 classes, so it is really important for me to have a job in order to replenish the money I will have to spend on the class, books, and transportation. And becuase I have this stupid lab, the places I have applied to don’t want to hire me becuase I’m not avalible enough. The other thing is I also have to be present whenever we have exams in lecture and I have not a clue what time the exams will be (I swear I can’t find a syllabus for this class). Honestly, I’m thinking about dropping the lab and keeping the lecture and taking the lab either as a transient student or during the fall semester. Another girl I know is also taking Microbio and she said she’s not taking the lab until later. Im going to contact one of my advisors before I do it, but I just don’t want to have to make that drive twice a week every week for a month and be stressed out the whole time becuase the lab sounds like it’s a pain.