Taking the Biology E/M subject test without taking AP Biology? RISKY?

<p>I heard that you don't have to take the AP class to take a Subject test. Is that true?
I have been taking Biology (and Chemistry) this year (sophomore) and I am doing well. Should I wait till I'm halfway done with AP Biology next year to take the Subject test?</p>

<p>take it in may or june, shortly before or after the AP exams</p>

<p>I would generally advise you take it as soon as you finish any bio course, but in your case, since you know that you will be taking AP bio, it would be better to take it after finishing AP bio (or halfway through, whatever is your choice).</p>

<p>Since you’re only a sophomore, I would suggest waiting. It won’t harm you, and you’ll definitely learn stuff from AP Bio that will be useful.</p>

<p>i took the SAT II for biology after my freshman year course. it gave me time to focus on my other SAT II’s during sophomore/junior years. i guess it all depends on what your other plans are. but personally, i don’t think taking AP makes a difference. i scored higher than some friends who took AP bio.</p>

your freshman course didn’t cover all the subjects in the test,did it? because I’m a sophomore now and would love to take the test this year for the reasons you mentioned but I know that not even close to everything was covered in my course</p>

<p>My daughter took the Biology M SAT II as a high school freshman after taking the standard NYS Regents (Honors) course. I believe she scored a 650 or so. She took it again as a junior after taking a course in microbiology (which was not really covered in the Regents course) and bumped it up to 750 or so. She also took the Chemistry SAT II after taking the NYS Regents course (Honors) and scored in the mid-700s. I think she spent about a week reviewing material with the Barrons study guide.</p>

<p>D’s high school offered only AP US History, which was unfortunate. There is no doubt in my mind that the AP courses prepare you better for the subject tests than most non-AP high school courses. However, you can still get a decent score with adequate test prep.</p>

<p>I imagine AP bio courses are pretty useful. I took Bio M after a one year advanced high school bio course and scored a 770. However, it came with a pretty extensive amount of studying. After the test, all my friends were talking about how their AP bio courses helped them out on some of the harder questions.</p>

<p>I took Regents (Regular) Biology in 10th grade and took the SAT II’s in Bio in October.</p>

<p>690 =)</p>

<p>karenoona - no, my biology course didn’t cover all the subjects. i bought the kaplan SAT II bio book and read through it and did all the practice tests. i think that was enough.
it’s ONE subject test. knocking it out of the way to focus on other things is definitely a smart thing to do, but it varies from person to person.</p>

<p>It’s really all about taste, whether you feel you should take it before or after taking AP Bio. Just be warned though that to get a good score, you would have to study more extensively outside of class than if you take it after taking AP Bio.</p>

<p>It is possible, but you will have to work your ass off and study hard and memorize like crazy. Do you remember everything from biology class? Well good! Now, you have to read other prep books and stuff and memorize to get additional information, like more details and stuff.</p>

<p>My friend got a 770 her freshmen year after taking year course of biology honors and studying from a prep book, so it’s totally possible.</p>

<p>I never took AP Biology and got a 770.</p>