Taking UCLA classes and CC classes at the same time?

Okay, so I’m a transfer student, just got accepted to UCLA as political science major.
I want to do politics, but i love history so im thinking of changing major to history. But nowdays, I also want to go to Pharm school. I have not taken much science courses at CC, and pharm grad school requires bunch of chems, bio and physics as pre-req.
i think i will be majoring in either history or poli science but i might end up applying to pharm school for grad.

My question is, is it possible to take courses at CC for pharm school preparation? I dont want to waste money on taking low division courses at UCLA and i really want to study both poli science and Pharm…

I wil ask counselor but, is it even possible?? I really want to take my time studying for science courses rather than rushing myself in ucla.

It’s not exactly possible.


You will need to speak to an advisor but if this is really what you want to do, you may want to start your quarter at UCLA, take a leave and do CC courses and eventually return to UCLA. Or the other way around.

@Happy2Help thanks for the reply! If i leave, do I have to go through readmission? Or is it just leave of absent and come back? Im also in the navy so my time are not wise.


I think you may qualify under different rules.

Thank you for your service and sacrifice!

I don’t know about pharmacy schools but I’ve heard that for med schools it is not a good idea to take your premed classes at a CC and none at a 4-year. You should check with an advisor about whether you’re going to be a strong candidate for a pharmacy program if you follow your plan.

Okay, thank you everyone!!

Just tossing in that I have heard the same as @mikemac.