TAMU 2023 Aggie Parent/Student (all majors) questions and answers

@AggieCorpMom2023 no dumb questions on this site. Like you said, just have him take his english, creative arts, soial behavior, language/culture,histories, etc. Use the transfer equivalency to make sure it transfers easily (almost all do). When you get to NSC he can tell his advisor what he’s taking or planning to take and they’ll plan accordingly for the Fall.

If he has AP credit for the university core curriculum

Then he can look up what courses satisfy the UCC and ICD requirements

THere is not much more he can take for general engineering and you don’t want too many hours going in, just in case they want to change majors after freshman or sophomore year. Many majors cap the amount of hours one can have to transfer in. Some are 60 and under. Any college class would have to be claimed and AP not claimed until needed.

Yes, they do like for the Math, sciend and engineering classes to be taken at A&M. CC classes won’t satisfy the requirement, only AP will that is only advised after talking with advisor. There is criteria and you don’t want to claim credit for 151 and then take 152.

He will graduate with 12 AP classes (and has made 4’s and 5s so far) …it looks like 7 of the AP classes may fit into the 8 class spots that cover the “liberal arts type” core requirements. (I hope I am interpreting it correctly that there are 18 hours of core electives plus 6 hours of English…and the rest of the core requirements will be covered by default within the engineering major??)

We will wait until his advisor says we need to accept them but I sure am hoping this means he can have a lighter 1st semester as he settles into the Corp Life, TAMU, and can focus on the Engineering classes. I am thinking there is only 1 other class he could take this summer to get in all 8).

I might add, he won a 4 year AROTC scholarship so we are trying to get on top of saving for that 5th year of engineering if needed or hopefully he can get it all in in 4 years…at that point we will have 4 in college at the same time!!! (and I may just be so broke that I will be roller skating to work…lol!)

Thank you for the source documents and info!

Yes, his AP should cover most and the rest are covered with the engineering curriculum. The only thing is the ICD requirement of 6 hours. Some UCC courses satisfy both requirements for the category and ICD (international and cultural diversity)

@Thelma2 , so if my daughter is taking Calculus 2 at our Community College right now, she will not get any credit for it because it is CC and not a 5 on an AP exam? She is planning to sign up for Calculus 3 next semester there too. Should I tell her not to?

@TXRunningMom Not really a complete answer to your question, but does the class your daughter is taking equal the tamu equivalent, which can be checked here https://tccns.org/ (texas common course numbering) ?

@TXRunningMom Your D is taking Dual Credit. That will be looked at differently than something a high school graduate takes at CC and transfers in.
I do not know how the engr college will look at DC. That is something she will want have to discuss with an academic advisor and how she places on the MPE. They will also look at the actual institution where she is taking the DC course as they know how in depth/rigor the course taught at most of the CC’s to satisfy the needs to do well in Physics, Cal 3, etc. She may get the hour credits but still may have to retake the maths but then again, maybe not and can just go into Cal 3. There are variables.

Here is an article about dual credit and how some universities balk it at. It is an older one but it states similar concerns to what I still hear said about DC classes outside of the UCC. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/education/2010/11/04/20101103-Not-all-colleges-accept-dual-credit-6829

Texas law requires public universities to accept credit for core classes identified by the state (the university core curriculum) but some students find that the classes don’t count toward their degree. Instead, they are placed on the transcript as electives. Or the credit is accepted but the student is advised to retake the class.

@Thelma2 , she isn’t taking the class as dual credit. She is just signed up through the community college. Her school doesn’t have any higher math classes so she just goes to the community college to take math. Will this still apply?

@Eggscapgoats , I will have to check when I get home on the course number. Thanks for the link!

@TXRunningMom Here’s another place to check: “Transfer Course Equivalency” on TAMU’s website:


@Thelma2 , @Eggscapgoats , and @chercheur , I just got home to check. It says her Math 2414 at her community college is equivalent to Math 152 at TAMU. That is what she is taking this semester. ( MATH 2414 - CALCULUS II [4]
2017 Fall ~MATH 152 - ENGINEERING MATH II [4]) So does that mean it will transfer since it is listed? Or maybe not since she is engineering?
The Calculus 3 course is equivalent to Math 253 at TAMU. Is it okay for her to take that next semester?

I’m sorry, I don’t know the answer! It would be a good idea to meet one-on-one with an advisor for clarification.

@TXRunningMom I agree with Chercheur. Talk to A&M. Not the CC or HS.
Since this is not official dual credit enrollment through the high school, I would hope that A&M does not consider actual enrollment in a community college prior to college admission, that is not DC, as transfer hours and her therefore, she, a transfer student.

@TXRunningMom @Thelma2 My son (auto admit in Sept.) wants to take a community college class (not Dual) this spring. He has a lighter spring semester and has time for this… is this okay since already admitted to A&M? The language on A&M’s admission site says, “You are a transfer if you are a student who earned college credit after high school graduation (during fall/spring semester)…” Since he has not graduated yet, I assumed taking the CC class this spring would be fine. Curious to hear what you find out @TXRunningMom.

@agtrio23 I would ask A&M for clarification on this.

I know tons of kids who took summer classes at a CC after graduation before they went to their universities. They had accepted their admissions offer from the universities before enrolling in the CC courses.

If a high school graduate plans on taking a gap year, they cannot enroll in any type of college course whatsoever, anywhere, even a 1 credit hour archery class. If they do, they become a transfer student instead of a first time in college student.

That a student is still in high school, if the admissions offer was accepted, I could see it being ok. If the offer hasn’t been accepted, I would definitely check with the University he is wanting to attend. The community college is not always knowledgeable how all universities will consider their courses and in this case, that are not dual credit and by students still in high school.

It also might be worth asking on the Admissions forum. Lots of very knowledgeable people there that know a whole lot more than me. I would be very interested in what you find out, either way.

@Thelma2 The following is part of a chart from @chercheur regarding ETAM for engineers

My question is…if a student is a freshman and has accepted credit for Math 151.152 (via AP test or Dual Credit), do they then have to take Math 251 and 253 to satisfy the ETAM math requirements? Or have they already met the ETAM requirements by having AP/DC credit for Math 151/152? In other words, do the ETAM requirements need to be taken at CS?

Entry to a Major - Course Requirements

Two of the following math courses:
• MATH 151, 152, 251, 253, 304, 308; CSCE 222 (Discrete Math)

@Thelma2 , @agtrio23 , @chercheur , thank y’all for taking the time to respond to me! :slight_smile: I just got off the phone with TAMU. They told me that my daughter is fine to take community college classes since she is still enrolled full time in high school. They also said that because she is taking Calculus 2 at an approved Community College (he looked up the course numbers to verify), then the class will transfer as is. If she was dual credit high school Calculus 2, then it would not necessarily transfer. I asked specifically about Engineering majors and the course transferring and he said, yes, the course will transfer as a college credit course because she took it at a college. He said the Calculus 3 will also transfer as is BUT the Differential Equations class would not because it is a 300 level math course (MA 308). It was very easy to call and I did not even have a wait time on hold. The number is 979.845.7200 if any of y’all need to call for verification and peace of mind too. Thanks again for your responses earlier!

Great info. I just learned a lot!!!

That’s great news, @TXRunningMom! Thanks for posting the information!

@TXRunningMom I would be very careful about accepting all that math credit before specifically talking to a general engineering advisor if your daughter is planning on engineering. My son was in a similar situation with AP credit but the requirement for ETAM is that you take two Math classes of a certain list (MATH 151, 152, 251, 253, 304, 308; CSCE 222) at TAMU), or you cannot quality for ETAM.

@Eggscapgoats my son took AP credit for Math 151 and Math 152 and it did not satisfy ETAM. He had to take Math 251 and Math 308 at TAMU to satisfy that one requirement.