TAMU Class of 2021 - Engineering Admission Decisions

@Thelma2 I understand, thank you. Could you be more elaborative about PACE and CAP? I’m not much familiar with these terms, sorry.

@sean191297 PACE and CAP are pathways to UT admissions that are offered to applicants who are not admitted to UT directly. PACE (Pathway to Admission through Co-Enrollment) is similar to Blinn Team for A&M, where an applicant takes most courses at Austin Community College and 1 class at UT but has full access to UT amenities. https://admissions.utexas.edu/enroll/pace
CAP is similar to PSA for A&M. in that an applicant attends another system school affliated with the university and you are automatically admitted to the college of liberal arts. Certain criteria applies. https://admissions.utexas.edu/enroll/cap/prospective-students. More indepth explanation http://collegeadmissions.testmasters.com/university-texas-coordinated-admission-program-cap/

I do not recall if they are offered to OOS or international applicants at UT, as it has been a while since I read up on them.

Being that you are a direct admit to your major elsewhere, I don’t think you would be interested in them, even if they were offered to international applicants. Getting your major would be much more difficult than simply applying to your major at A&M or being a direct admit at Penn State.

@Thelma2 I have another question. I have a second choice major as well, which is Mechanical engineering. Will Tamu give consideration to it as well despite my acceptance to general engineering (instead of PETE; first choice)?

@sean191297 Everyone is placed in general engineering, regardless of the major they list first or second. No freshman is directly admitted to an engineering major.
Toward the end of the second semester of your freshman year (I think it is April), a student will apply to a major. Here is a link from the last apply to major cycle. You can click on the different majors to find what the credentials were of those that got into the majors.https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/advisors-procedures/entry-to-a-major/resources/analysis-spring-2016-admission-cycle

When you apply to major, you list your top three-five choices in order of preference. 90% of freshman last cycle got their first choice of major.

@sean191297, What you stated on your application in terms of 1st and 2nd choice engineering disciplines really doesn’t matter – you are not locked into these. During second semester, you will go through the Entry To A Major process and, as @Thelma2 explains, you will list your top five choices. These may or may not include what you put on your original admissions application. Many students change their minds completely as to the field of engineering they want to study – that is the reasoning for allowing students to complete a year before they make their choice.

Galveston too

so after a year you are transferred to College station automatically? or you need to wait for space there? how many international students at Galveston?

If you enroll in engineering at Galveston, you will apply to major during the second semester, sometime in April. Last year, it was around the 7th or so. Decisions were released in June. You do not have to apply to transfer to College Station campus. It is an automatic move. I am sure there is paperwork involved somewhere. There always is paperwork for things, but you are not “Applying to transfer for admissions” like a student would who is coming from another school and could possibly be denied transfer. It is an automatic transfer of campus.

One thing that would change this is and it is the same for students at CStat.

If while at Galveston, you need the prep course (Math 131 I believe) before taking the first required Math 151, then a student will not take Math 151 until second semester, which means they will not have had Math 152 by the time apply to major happens in spring. So when the apply to major time comes around, I believe they still apply, but will not have the core courses complete yet, so they would stay at Galveston for the following fall semester to complete the remaining core curriculum. There are 3 sciences, and you only have to have 2 of them completed to apply to transfer. In this case, the student would apply to major towards the end of the fall semester (November I believe) and they receive their major decision in December. That student would then go to College station for Spring semester.

@Thelma2 Do you know how long the Engineering at Galveston program has been around? I’m wondering if those of us with questions/acceptances there might start a new thread (or be able to find info about the program from previous years). Thank you for all your help!

@dptxag I believe the program was new just last year so the class of 2020 was the first.

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@dptxag, @TxSker is correct. The class of 2020 is the first year. An official thread might be just what is needed, to help keep info consolidated and so it doesn’t get buried in other engineering decisions or general decisions. I hope that someone who accepts it (or the parent) will hang around through the NSC onward to answer questions with first hand info and to be a help at this time next year.

When are the scholarships out?

@Zepodes The university scholarships went out on 1/24, and the departmental should be out anytime now. We were told end of February to early March. Keep a eye on your TAMU email and Howdy Financial Portal.

edit: *an eye

Also, please note that scholarships given out to incoming freshmen from the COE will mostly be General Engineering scholarships. A few of the individual departments might be giving some out, but we checked with Electrical and Mechanical, and they are only awarding scholarships to current students this year. I hope this helps!

Thanks a lot for the input @rvhappynow. How are the intern opportunities at tamu college station, i am planning to come to tamu, but little apprehensive about Cs that it is a small town. I am an intl student, please tell me ur views.

so after a year you are transferred to College station automatically? or you need to wait for space there? how many international students at Galveston?

is vegetarian food available at galveston?

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@Zepodes I know many other people can give much more detailed information than I can, but I’ve learned a great deal on this forum and reading online over the last couple of months. Have you applied for Engineering Honors? If not, it sounds like a wonderful opportunity to have smaller class sizes and really get to know your professors and fellow student, which I think could also help when it comes to internship opportunities. As far as internships are concerned, I’ve heard nothing but good reports from students, but hopefully someone else will weigh in here since we are also new, and I can’t give my personal experience

I absolutely love CS, and so does our entire family. The only negative thing I see about the town itself (not the campus) it is that the traffic is a little congested, but then again, we visited on a busy weekend. In our opinion, since our town is only 60,000 people, CS seems big to us. There are so many awesome restaurants and places to go. On campus, it feels like a big family. It is a huge campus, but during our visit, we found that we kept seeing a lot of the same people all day, in various places. So, it seems to be the best of both worlds for us. Big campus, but small town, at home feeling. Everyone was incredibly friendly and welcoming, and I am sure that if you are open to making friends, you will be very much accepted and have a wonderful experience. There are several threads on here and other forums regarding being international students, and the general consensus is that the experiences have been very positive, with many opportunities to connect with others! I hope this helps!

@Mech123 A thread was started for the Galveston students, and maybe you can get more concrete info there. I do believe that as long as you satisfy the requirements your freshman year, you automatically transfer to CS and there is room for you. You are absolutely considered a Texas A&M student and even get transportation to the games and perhaps yell practice (I’ve heard a couple of different things about yell practice, so please don’t quote me there). I’ve found it quite interesting that many students start out at Galveston fully intending to move to CS the next year, but love it so much that they stay. Hoping this thread can help a little more than I can: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/texas-m-university/1961993-a-m-egineering-at-galveston-p1.html

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@rvhappynow Thanks a lot for the inputs. I am thrilled to be an aggie. Unfortunately, I missed the honors application, but checked with the university and they gave me the link to application today, so I will be submitting it today. What do you think, are the seats for engineering honors vacant? I am apprehensive.

@zepodes I absolutely think it is worth it to apply! And as far as I can tell, it is not too late to apply to Engineering Honors. They accept applications until 4 weeks before your NSC, so that tells me that there are probably spaces open most of the spring. Also, if they gave you the link, I’m assuming they would have told you if it was full. The application is pretty straightforward, and it definitely can’t hurt you. It’s not something to really stress over, because whether you are in EH or not, the engineering program will be awesome. This is just a great way to enhance your experience! Good luck, and keep us posted on your status!