TAMU Class of 2021 - Engineering Admission Decisions

@lolonimous Congratulations! You were review admit, right? If you don’t mind, what was your class rank & GPA?

@Whoop '90 My school doesnt give GPA and Class Rank. I am an IB Diploma holder. I have no idea whether I was a review or auto admit but all I can say is my SAT was a 1400/1600 and that it fell within the Academic Admit column on this website : http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshman/admitted

@Thelma2 My son is a review candidate, applied 8/1, file was completed 9/1. Received deferment letter yesterday stating, “…still being considered for admission and for placement in the COE…”

For the sake of clarity, two different letters were sent out yesterday to COE applicants who are still awaiting a decision. One is for those who have been admitted to the university but not to COE yet, and another for those who are still in review for university admission as well as placement in the COE. My son received the latter.

Still hopeful for a positive decision which for us would include Blinn Engineering Academy. Hope we don’t have to wait until February!

@finsup thanks for the info. I am making notes for next years applicants, in the event they keep early decision option. So far, going through the stats on the engineering admissions thread (and I am not through) only 3 review applicants have received an admissions decision to COE. One of which was international

Do still keep the hope. All those who applied after Oct 15 were not to hear until mid Jan anyway, so lots more decisions to come then. Enjoy the Holidays and best of luck to your applicant.

@lolonimous being international, you don’t qualify for academic admit but review admit. Congrats on being accepted into the university. Also, I believe you applied 11/1, and if that is the case, you were not eligible for early decision and were slated for regular decision by mid January.

Actually, international applicants do qualify for academic admit status here’s the link http://admissions.tamu.edu/international/freshman

Howdy! Today I was accepted to Engineering Honors!

If son applied to COE before 11/15 and is still in review for university and engineering will he hear something mid-December? Has not received deferred letter. Any thoughts?

I worry that waiting for the engineering decision might be reducing his chances for other majors (that might be filling up).


@Thelma2 my son applied 11/30 and was admitted into the Engineering Program (Mechanical) yesterday and was NOT auto-admit either, his school does not rank. I’m not sure it matters when you applied. Good luck to everyone and just keep checking, you never know when you will hear, we were very shocked at how fast he heard back.

If your school does not rank, you can still be an academic admit , which is also automatic admission- the other automatic method is top 10% TX which is not offered to non-ranking schools nor homeschoolers. TAMU assigns all non-ranked students a quartile…it will show up on your side too. That counts towards the academic admit status, if they rank your student in 1st quartile & they have the scores, they are academic admits & are processed faster.

How do you check your quartile?

@pualum Your rank is listed in AIS under App Status and documents required for admission.

@Thelma2 My son is a review candidate and he applied before the engineering ED (10/15-in earlier post I incorrectly said 11/15). He is top 25% with a good gpa, extracurriculars and essays, but just under SAT/ACT auto-admit score. He has not received admission to the university yet, and we are wondering if ED engineering would be holding that up. No letter decision being deferred to January as of yet.

The ED for engineering is new this year as are the deferral letters - they have never been sent out before to the best of my knowledge ( my oldest applied in Fall 2009). The way the process is suppose to work is first admission to the university then your app moves on to the engineering selection committee. They did that process the last two years for some (not all) applicants once engineering was full to a certain point – prior to that it was direct admit to major. Those students were put into review until mid-January, and everyone who was admitted to the university by that date that wanted engineering competed against each other. Based on what I saw reported here, some students were getting the admission from COE prior to being admitted to the university this year. I’m guessing that caused an issue & they need time to sort out the kinks in the process.

IMO this new process created a fast track for review applicants who can choose other majors once they’re admitted. I’d say being an early applicant pushed your son’s review application to the front of the pile, so he’ll probably hear sooner than he would if he applied to another major. Keep in mind, over 80% of the freshman applicants that are accepted to College Station campus are academic admits or top 10%ers (the released stats for the class of 2018 were 84%). So most of those gaining admission this close to the closing date are automatic admission students who have priority over review applicants, versus masses of review applicants. It probably doesn’t make you feel better about not having a decision for your child, but I don’t think that applying to COE slowed the admission process - it most likely sped it up. Best of luck to your student!

Admitted to General Engineering ( Preference: Computer Science) OOS. NMS Semifinalist

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@AGmomx2 Thank you! I actually have twins and one son was accepted into COE and engineering honors in November (auto-admit) so it is a little stressful for me. Thank you for your thoughtful reply! We will wait and keep our fingers crossed for a positive decision. :slight_smile:

@Thelma2 you asked this in a previous post:

“2. Is there anyone who auto admit/academic who is already formally admitted and applied ED, and is being deferred for engineering decision until mid January?”

May daughter was an academic OOS admit who has already been formally admitted to TAMU. She applied 10/14, which was before the ED deadline and got the auto generated email this week saying her decision was deferred until January.

She has top stats (4.0 UW GPA, test scores in top 99%, school doesn’t rank, but she is #1 out of 350 or so, toughest course load school offers, 5 AP courses in senior year, etc), 800 in regular SAT math section and 800 in Math 2 SAT subject test, very good ECs and LORs. To be honest, other than moving the 1510 SAT to 1550 or so, I don’t know what her weak spot would be. The one thing she doesn’t have is National Merit Semi-Finalist (she is only Commended). Her other SAT scores should make up for that one test though. She also has a very good ACT score, which we chose not to send (felt the SAT was enough).

So, there are some very good applicants who have been deferred. If you got a deferral letter, even if you applied ED, I wouldn’t worry.

I suspect they may be having issues trying to holistically review all the apps in time.

For us, it doesn’t really matter when the decision comes, as she will only be able to attend if she wins a scholarship large enough to get an OOS tuition waiver, and those decisions don’t come until March anyway.

Thank you for the info @ColoFatherOf3 Good luck to her gaining admissions to COE and receiving a tuition waiver scholarship. I have a class of 2020 engineering student currently.

@AGmomx2 Well said. Perfectly stated and informative.

When did you apply: 11/30
When did you get your UIN: 12/2
When did you receive your admission decision: 12/13
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Dwight Look COE
Did you get in: 12/21 COE
Honors program: No
Class Rank: Top 15%
ACT: 30

I wasn’t expecting a decision this week, having received the email about the deferral until mid Jan and the holidays. Merry Christmas to my son!!

Good luck to all of you.

Congratulations @texastkc ! S also just got accepted into the Engineering School (Mechanical Engineering) – Texas A&M notified him this morning by e-mail. Even though they told S they wouldn’t have a decision until mid-January, A&M made good on getting back as soon as they could. Go Aggies!

When did you apply: 10/14
When did you get you UIN: 10/17
When did you receive your admission decision: 10/25
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Academic Admit (out of state)
Major/College of Choice: Dwight Look COE
Did you get in: 12/21 COE
Honors program: did not apply (wasn’t aware there was one)
Class Rank: N/A
SAT (new): 1430 (730 RW, 700 M)

How do we know which program I have been admitted. It says BAC-ENGE-CC under program. Does anyone which program is that.

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