TAMU Class of 2023 - Engineering Admission Decisions

@maw1970 @pbleigh I post the question about 2021 stats and this is the response I got.
“I’m not sure why more recent ETAM data hasn’t been posted. However, I can confirm that it’s becoming more competitive to receive entry into certain majors. Currently, about 76% of students receive entry into their first choice and about 85% receive entry in either their first or second choice, down from 86% and 93% respectively. Maintaining high grades (above 3.5 cumulative GPA) is a great way to guarantee entry into the first choice.”

I spent time last night on the aggie reddit site, looking at ETAM -related posts.
My son is a good candidate for mechanical (MEEN) by aptitude and history. This is the only major he is interested in and one of two most popular right now. We will look into Interdisciplinary Engineering to see whether he could take a blend of mechanical and aerospace. He has a decent shot at a 3.5 GPA because he took calculus through 1st semester multivariable (after Calculus BC) and had AP CS and both calculus-based AP physics classes. I can see how these will help him. He has already had enough high school engineering classes to know what he wants. The reddit site was very revealing. Students who were flexible and/or didn’t know much about engineering were more accepting of ETAM. Many students take an extra semester to bring up their GPA to apply again after rejecting offers if any. I am not in favor of putting students where space is available. All engineering disciplines are different enough. My husband and I are looking at summer school and/or transfer if our son has any chance of not enrolling in MEEN or if Interdisciplinary will not do what he wants. His grades right now are within the right range for auto admit to MEEN, but that could change. He has two more semesters to get from 3.36 and semi-stabilize by ETAM time at min. 3.5. He should be able to do this, but the ETAM and ETAM gpa prep. process is not fun for the students per reddit. I believe our son will be able to transfer up eng. rankings if he needs to. 3.5 is a high bar for you eng. students.

I am not in favor of ETAM as it currently works in practice. I am not above seeing him transfer out. My son has very strong aptitude in his area, and our family is going right toward the fire with faith he can do it.

My non-personal point is that MEEN may be tough to get into. I might take this into account.

@ham01 @Thelma2 @AggieMomhelp
I would love to see more stats on TEAB students success rate at entry to a major
Other than Ashley Hermes yesterday mentioning 40% of TEAB students are successful on first try at ETAM
What about kids that stay 2 years co enrolled
Does anybody know?
Or for that matter retention rate in the TEAB program?

Still following this thread. Thank you for all the commentary and advice for DS2. My older one is a sophomore at a state college… lol we didn’t agonize over this decision with her! She is a business major at Cal State Fullerton. She wanted to stay local and live at home.
They are all so different, two down (practically), two more kids to go!

Actually DD, she is a girl! :slight_smile:

One must plug in all of the information but for fall 2016, there were 3 that transferred to College Station into Engineering. TEAB has gown a lot since then and there are no reports I can find prior to 2016 for transition.

3 students “total” transferred from TEAB to CS/ college of engineering in the Fall of 2016?..that doesn’t seem like very many?
How many are enrolled? I thought it was about 600? Thank uuuu again


The Dars doesn’t tell me enrollment for TEAB. Only that 3 moved over to engineering for fall 2016. When I plug in Engineering Academies, it reports 3, so I am not sure if that means other Academies that are not admissions decisions but the ones you apply to directly.
When I plug in Blinn Transfers to Engineering, the results are 225 in 2016, 150 fall 2017 and 181 in fall 2018. So perhaps that represents TEAB

You are welcome to play around https://dars.tamu.edu/Student/Enrollment-Profile

Hello all, just wondering why my unsub and subsidized loans are so low?
Offered Awards
Award Fall Amount Spring Amount Summer Amount Total Amount
Federal Direct Subsidized Loan $1,750.00 $1,750.00 $0.00 $3,500.00
Federal Direct Unsub Loan $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00
Federal Parent Loan (PLUS) [Separate Application Required by Parent] $6,615.50 $6,615.50 $0.00 $13,231.00

@thuc12345 Those limits are set by the school, those are set by the federal government.

Will they give scholarships later, or is the three loans all for TAMU, and what about Blinn, do they give out scholarships later, and what about their loans

@mosid2001 TAMU merit scholarships have been given, college specific scholarships are now being given.

@thuc12345 Sorry, I meant to say **NOT set by the school. They are the limits set by the Federal Government.

Regarding PTA: My son is currently under consideration for freshman fall admission. We are also looking at alternative options if he does not receive an acceptance offer this time around. One of the options presented to us was the PTA program. However, I have a couple of questions since he has taken a few dual-enrollment courses in high school.

  1. If he has completed Eng Comp I & II through the dual-enrollment program in another state and received a 3.0 or better, will he have to retake these courses through the PTA program at a Texas community college? The same goes for French I & II, would he have to take them over through the PTA program in order for these courses to qualify?
  2. Are there any special considerations for active duty dependents with the PTA rules on where courses can be taken?
  3. Can courses be completed online through a Texas community college and be eligible for the program?

Thank you in advance for any insight you can provide. :slight_smile:

@fidelis5 1. TAMU does not offer PTA for engineering. If your son does not receive an admittance offer he may be offered PSA, which is one year at an TAMU system school like TAMU Corpus Christi. I believe the GPA requirement for PSA is a minimum 3.25. Once you son transfers to CS he will have to take the freshman engineering classes then go through the ETAM process https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/entry-to-a-major/index.html. More information on PSA can be found here http://admissions.tamu.edu/PSA.

IMO the better alternative is choosing one of the Engineering Academies as it is the preferred transition mechanism for TAMU. That is what my son decided. You are coenrolled and only need a 2.5 to be eligible to transition full time to CS. The freshman engineering class is taught by TAMU. All else is the TAMU curriculum taught be the junior college. My son is at the Brenham campus gets a TAMU sports pass, ID and went to fish camp. and it is much cheaper. you can find info on the academies here. https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/academies/index.html

You can apply for a general transfer but it is highly competitive. TAMU gives priority to the PSA and Engineering Academy students.

My thread on the engineering academies is here. http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/texas-m-university/2062343-engineering-academies.html#latest. Read through it and ill be happy to answer any questions. Good luck.

My son (OOS) finally received a decision - he was offered the PSA route. He’s 2nd quarter in a competitive NE high school. We plan to decline. He got in at Texas Tech, PSU, Purdue & was waitlisted at Virginia Tech. Too many other good options plus TAMU is much pricier for OOS. Good luck to everyone!!

@LCP9876 congratulations! that’s an impressive list of acceptances. good luck!

@LCP9876 Your son is such a strong student, but this was a very rough year. Thank you for hanging out with us this admission season! He will do well…