TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

I’m a Asian and my daughter is a sophomore in TAMU. I have visited TAMU multiple times.It is one of the wonderful college.Students treat everyone equal and they are there to assist you.You ask any question and any student ,they are there to help and escort you all the way to the destination point in the college.Wonderful students,Wonderful college.My daughter is so much happy in TAMU. Happily you can send your kids to TAMU.

Correct, they won’t look at anything submitted after the 12/15 deadline per TAMU website.

Understood…but, if you’re wanting zero college/university experience, and only looking for academic excellance, why apply to TAMU? Just apply to the best university for academics. Or, a great online University. I don’t want to sound “snarky”…

I just called and spoke with an Admissions Counselor (Brandon), and he said that if you haven’t heard back, it is very likely that you have been deferred to the second round (mostly regular decision applicants). Though they have no exact date, we should be expecting answers sometime in mid-February. Engineering is not filled up, and most of the decisions that have come out recently have been for non-engineering majors. I know the wait is grueling and the worst thing ever, but just hold on for a few more weeks. Brandon said to keep an eye out for your AIS, but given that engineering makes up 1/3 of the incoming class, it should be a little while for them to get through all of the applications.

From what I remember, December 31st, 2019 was the last day to submit any test scores or supporting documents. I don’t think that his December SAT will be taken in consideration.

Agree that the test score probably won’t be looked at… BUT, it won’t hurt either!!! Best of luck.

@thesaraimartinez - Thank you! This is good to know. I won’t check Howdy every 5 minute then. I will wait until mid Feb then. This is actually good as it would put it closer to the other college dates that my daughter is also still waiting on.
If they can review and let us know sooner.
Interesting that some of the priority got deferred. So only 2 rounds of review for Engineering?
For those in RD and not auto/academic admit, do you get the TAMU admit then the Major or will they send both at the same time since it is now so late?

Thank you!

My daughter forwarded me the admission e-mail.
She got accepted to Engineering, her first major.

SAT 1460 (Math 770);
GPA 4.13
AP Calculus BC score 5;
AP English Lang score 4.

Some priority have still not heard back, but I am sure that they’re trying to get everything squared away since their decisions got pushed back. I don’t know how many rounds there will be for engineering, to be honest. As to the RD and not auto-admit/academic admit stuff, I am not much help given that I got admitted to the university under auto-admit. Brandon did say to keep an eye on your status and check every day, just in case. I called because I was concerned that I would be rejected or something (I looked at another post on this forum with the decision dates from last year), but I think they just had a lot of applicants, so it’ll take a wee bit to get through all of 'em.

For those who received scholarship information today, were you happy with the amount? I feel my niece did well with the combination of scholarships, grants, and loans. She is still awaiting some smaller local scholarships.
I’m wondering how one receives scholarships from departments, as those would be given separately, specifically Engineering. Does one apply for those or are they awarded by the department and on what basis?

Have there been any Public Health acceptances (in state, not auto admit)?

Well, I mean… for UT and TAMU, I don’t think you can expect any merit scholarship. The fact that my daughter got some was exciting for us. She also got a smaller, need-based scholarship. She also got a federal loan and other parent loans, but we are hoping to avoid those if possible.

I spoke with Rhonda in Admissions on Jan 15 and she told me the early action applicants should hear back “by the end of January.” She said the decisions were being made a on “rolling basis,” whatever that means!

I called today (the date at which this is posted would be 1/23/20) and spoke with another admissions counselor (Daniel) and he stated that they’re TRYING and expect to make MOST (he wouldn’t say all) decisions for EARLY ACTION engineering students by the end of January, but SOME people might have to wait until February. Peculiar that we’re getting different responses from different admissions counselors.

FYI: He also stated that decisions for engineering would come in waves. According to data from the class of 2023, the first real engineering wave was on January 24 (tomorrow from 1/23). If the same follows suit this year (although doubtful due to the amount of applicants this year compared to last year), then in theory, the first engineering wave should be tomorrow. If it isn’t, then engineering waves should, in theory, be starting next week, based on the claims that THEY posted on AIS that decisions would be made by the end of January (but very possible decisions may seep into February according to Daniel).

Again, the above FYI is based on previous data, so take it with a grain of salt. I’m only basing those claims off my research and MINE alone.

Thank you Daniel @Akhil365:wink:

I’m still waiting for a decision and I need to see other opinions. PLEASE HELP!!!

-I applied late September
-I am holistic review
-rank 140/829
-GPA: 104/ 4.1
-1210 SAT Score
-AP credits with a 3 or higher: Human Geography, World History, Biology, English Language and Composition, US History
-Took Physics 1 OnRamps (UT Austin)
-AP Classes pending:
*Environmental Science
*Comp Sci principles
*English literature and Composition
*Government and Politics
*Calculus AB
-Extra curriculars: HOSA, Winners Circle, STUCO, Senior Class Officer, SARA, UNICEF, Student Voice, Danced for a religious function outside of school all 4 years
-over 100 hours of volunteer service
-Honors: Summa Cum Laude
-Leadership: Committee Head for STUCO for 2 years, Senior Class Reporter
-Wrote my essay about a hardship I faced with my dad freshman year that really made me struggle with my grades, but I figured out who I was as a person

i’m so scared about my decision and I’m nervous

@Colhopeful728 :smile:

I can echo what other parents have said about Aggieland being the friendliest place. And once an Aggie, ALWAYS an Aggie, and they all bleed MAROON! :slight_smile:

As to the Aggie Greek system, going Greek has worked out for my 2 Aggie daughters. I was not Greek in college, I put myself through school and had neither the time or money to go Greek. I was a little skeptical when my first Aggie daughter wanted to go Greek, but it went really welll for her. She found her best friend on the first day of Recruitment. This girl was one of my daughter’s Maids of Honor 4 years later and is still her BFF. My daughter had a great Freshman year because she found her “peeps” at the beginning of the year. She lived in the house during her Sophomore year, roomed with other Sorority sisters in the next 2 years and participate fully throughout her Aggie years. When my daughter got married, 6 of her Sorority sisters were in her wedding party and there were a total of 15 Sorority sisters at the wedding. It was awsome when the Aggies ringed the enitire dance floor to “Saw 'em off!”

My younger daughter also went Greek, was a legacy for her sister’s Sorority, and she has also found fantastic friends in her Sorority sisters. They are an amazing group of sweet, smart, funny, gorgeous young women.

It is my understanding that any girl who goes through the entire week of Sorority Recruitment (what Aggies call Rush), will receive at least one bid. Hopefully from one of the houses that she really liked. The week is grueling, it is HOT HOT HOT and stressful, very hard to look their best in the heat! Some of the houses may also do a more low key Spring Recruitment.

There is info online about the guidelines for what to wear and what to expect for each day. You can also see photos of each house and there are some of the “Bid Day” videos on YouTube. There are a lot of differences in the houses. Some of the houses attract a more girly girl, one of my friends daughters was an outdoorsy athlete and she found a house that fit her. I hope that your daughter finds a house where she feels comfortable.

And if going Greek doesn’t suit your daughter, there are a lot of other groups on campus. Some are activity based, some are volunteering to help others, there is just a huge range of options. Finding at least one group to join is a good idea as TAMU is HUGE and everyone needs at least a few friends.

Ok does anyone know when most holistic reviews come out?

Can someone help me better understand Blinn Team? My son was accepted to Blinn Team. He stated on his application that he would not accept Blinn Team, so obviously they don’t take that response into consideration. And to answer a question I saw earlier, his letter states that he has until 5/1/2020 to accept the offer by signing up for NSC before his offer is rescinded.

I know that some students are very happy to receive a Blinn Team offer. My son (and my husband) are disappointed but I am optimistic. However we have been told by other parents that there are really no assurances that the Student will be accepted in their Major even with the grades because there are still just so many spots (his first choice Major is BIMS). Has anyone found this to be true? Also we were told that if a student decides to transfer after completing the Blinn program they will have to take “remedial” courses. This happened to a friend’s child who transferred to the U of H Business school. It seems to me that if the student is all about A&M and they just can’t see themselves anywhere else, Blinn Team is a great fit. My son likes A&M but he does not bleed maroon (yet ?). And he has some great offers from several other schools. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.