TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@TexasTransplant First of all congratulations! Blinn Team is generally a very good option. The student takes classes at both campuses and is dual enrolled so has all the same benefits any other Aggie (other than participation in UIL sports). None of the BIMS review kids last year on this forum got any offer other than PSA. So believe it or not this is a good thing. Couple of questions…1. Did his major change in AIS with the Blinn Team offer? 2. Does your son have Medical School aspirations? If so, I would schedule a meeting with the BIMS advisor and discuss if all core Sciences can be taken at TAMU and other general core classes at Blinn. We were told for Med School to avoid taking Core Med School requirements at a CC with the exception of Physics.

What is BIMS?

Team is basically full admission! The only thing he can’t do is play varsity sports, and that is not an A&M rule.
My son had a great experience with TEAM! He was in Business, and is now at Mays in grad school.
I do believe that as long as they meet the GPA and follow the path to complete necessary courses, they are automatically in the major that they are accepted to.
I do know that Business and Engineering require students to stay on TEAM for two years.
Again…you should be thrilled with your son getting Blinn Team. It is considered full admission. Congratulations!!!

@TXTransplant12 Congrats to your son! Do you mind sharing your son’s stats? And if BIMS was his first choice major what was his second? BIMS is my DD 2nd choice major and we are still waiting.

Thank you so much for the information. Yes his Major did change to general studies which concerns me. I planned to call to ask about the change. And he wants to go to Vet School so I appreciate the advice to take core sciences at TAMU. He has several core AP credits (4/5’s) so he has quite a few core classes covered but I have heard that it is recommended to take the sciences even with the AP credits. We will definitely schedule a meeting with a BIMS advisor. Again thanks for the advice and the congrats!

@123vca Thank you & BIMS is Biomedical Sciences. He wants to go to vet school. Thank you for the information & sharing your son’s experience with Mays. Congrats on getting him to Grad School!!

@chilanga513 Sure!

BIMS first choice & Biology was second.
SAT 1410 (710 math/ 700 rw)
4.0 GPA but 2nd quarter at huge highly competitive HS
Lots of EC & over 200 hours of volunteering
Vet Clinic intern
Sports (varsity/club)

Frankly I wonder if he should have gone with Bio as first choice.

@TXTransplant12 He sounds like a great student! Did he just hear back recently? This waiting is really getting to my daughter. And to add fuel to the fire, she found out a classmate applied months after her and was accepted today. Again, congrats to your son!!

@txtranplant12. I can’t tell you how many times we BIMS’rs said that when all was said and done. Seems BIMS is as hard, if not harder, to get in than Engineering.


Thank you.

Yes this week. His tabs changed on Tuesday and AIS updated last night. The letter was in his portal today but he has not yet received an email.

Best of luck to your DD. The waiting is just awful. My son heard back from all other schools before the end of the year. And he has several friends who were already admitted to TAMU—it makes the waiting that much more difficult!

i just got offered the CAP program at UT. Does anyone know any info about that? how it differs from Blinn and if blinn is easier to get than a CAP offer? I’m still waiting on A&M. It’s the only school i’m waiting on!

@traugott7 CAP is like PSA at A&M. Blinn Team still makes you an Aggie but dual enrolled at Blinn and is not easy to obtain. Very different from straight Blinn which you just apply directly and easy to get in and follow PTA or Transfer route.

@traugott7 Do your homework carefully on CAP. The major you wish to pursue may NOT have guaranteed admission…This is taken from UT Austin’s website.

“You’re guaranteed admission to most majors in UT Austin’s College of Liberal Arts upon successful completion of the program. And just like any other prospective transfer student, you’ll be able to compete for admission to majors other than those guaranteed in Liberal Arts”

Thank you. I saw this… I really hope to get at least blinn team from a&m. It is really my #1 choice.

My son received a CAP offer tonight, too. The criteria is very stringent. Still waiting for A&M decision. He is a direct admit to Texas Tech. (Biology major, Pre-optometry or Pre-dental).

I keep thinking of our friend whose son is in A&M system via PSA at A&M Corpus. Her son wasn’t able to complete the requirements & will be finishing in Corpus. I think my son would be very disappointed to chose to begin the PSA/CAP route with either an A&M or UT System school and not be able to move beyond that first year, especially when he could have chosen direct admission to Tech.

He is closer to being on the bubble for A&M, so I feel like he might get a Blinn Team offer, but we’ll see…

To make things more difficult, he has 33 hours of dual credit which will make course selections for CAP tougher to choose & fulfill, unless he repeats, which we would try to avoid! (Not certain but I’m guessing that would be similar for PSA.)

I just got offered CAP, too! I’m probably not gonna take it given that I am graduating with an Associate’s degree, meaning that (if the program works the way I think it does, mainly completing core classes) I would have to retake credits, and I ain’t about that life.

I haven’t seen any public health review acceptances. Still waiting as well- also review & in state. Hoping no news is good news!

So today, I checked my email, and I saw that I had an email from TAMU’s financial aid regarding my scholarships and financial aid award offers for 2020-2021. Does this mean anything regarding enginering decisions? I know it’s probably completely unrelated, but if I wasn’t being granted admission into the program, would they have still gone through processing my financial aid? I don’t know if it’s worth mentioning, but I am an auto-admit. Anyways, I’m probably grasping at straws ?.

good morning all. i was only going to post if i got admitted but i just checked my AIS and its making me choose to be put on the waitlist for TEAM, Cstat, or both.

“ Texas A&M University receives more applications from high achieving, academically prepared applicants than we can accommodate in the freshman class. The admission limits on the College Station campus have been reached and a limited number of additional offers of full admission may be made going forward; however, your achievements qualify you for consideration for the options below.”

an update is an update. i guess cstat is full? anyways, i’m happy for at least this because the past few weeks have been absolutely grueling in terms of wait and patience.

@mantasaur What major/college did you apply to?

Animal Science, College of Ag. and Life Sciences. Second choice was Wildlife and Fisheries.