TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Based on what the experienced posters are saying, it sounds like this waitlist thing that has occurred today isn’t the norm. In regards to the Public Health major, I saw that 2 posters got the waitlist option. So if you have the same major, and you didn’t get waitlisted today, what would you think? Someone said that admissions told them that letters for those that got rejected have already gone out. Does that mean by mail? I havent seen even 1 post of someone you has been declined admission. If they are sent by mail, then maybe they haven’t been received yet.
Just trying to make sense of the message “Your App is Complete and in Review” in AIS, with the Public Health major. No one has a crystal ball, but there are plenty of people on here who have a better sense of what could be happening than me.

Still waiting on Public Health too. My daughter is a Summa grad, top 16%, Distinguished AP Scholar, 4 years varsity dance and hospital clinical rotations experience (Pedi ER now). According to the Reddit site, it states that acceptances will come the last week of January and 1st week of February. It is possible that some full admissions will come through with the engineering waves.

Thanks @AggieMomhelp . If he gets in, he may change to ECON like your son - I was really happy to hear that he was able to transfer into Mays.

Has anyone asked admissions if there is a chance to get PSA if you got the waitlist option today? I’m still a little confused on it…

There is also a place in AIS to see your communications. If a letter was sent it should be listed there.

@YankeeTexan33 Thank you for the information on the housing! I think I had already heard that, but was about to email our representative to double check. Is Baylor your daughter’s backup? My daughter was in love with Baylor her entire junior year and then this year changed her mind to A&M. We have a scholarship event coming up in 2 weeks, so am hoping she can get more excited about Baylor if we don’t get good news from A&M.

@HoustonMom23 My interpretation of @Home2Collegex2 comment earlier today (#2374) lead me to believe that those who were offered waitlist options today were guaranteed PSA - it was like a safety net kinda deal. But it’s been a day of surprises :wink:

I got waitlisted this morning with the options for TEAM and full admission. My major choice is Nutrition, and I am accepting the option to be put on both waitlists. If they offer me PSA I will deny, and go to Ole Miss.

My stats are
3.9 GPA
1st Quarter of class
31 ACT
Student Body President
National Honor Society
150+ volunteer hours

Not what I wanted to hear, but I’m holding out hope :slight_smile:

Any Review English majors heard back yet?

In state
-Applied: 10/10/19
-27 ACT/1200 SAT
2 Recc letters, a few writing awards, 5 on Lang exam

I know my chances aren’t great, but was really hoping for TEAM. For those of you posting your status was just updated, did you check this morning and it was still in review or had you not checked today until this afternoon? Trying to see if I should keep logging in every 5 minutes or if I should chill out on the constant refreshing. Thanks!

Spoke with someone in admissions regarding engineering decisions…Was told, they were told by the department, that “decisions would be out by February”

@UCLAbruin1 my waitlist update showed up when i woke up, so around 6 am today. i heard that ais usually updates around/by 7:30 am so i think you should be okay in relaxing a little! i understand the pain, the wait is terrible and even when i told myself to slow down and relax and stop refreshing so much, i couldn’t. good luck!

Baylor is her backup. But I have to be honest, she was not impressed with their Engineering Building. Of course, who can NOT compare it to A&M’s Zachry Building??? It’s not even a fair comparison. I tried explaining to her that just because Baylor’s building wasn’t impressive, I truly felt like the quality of professors, the fact that you got 90% professors, and the small class size is a plus. More hands on experience it appears at Baylor. They even allow their Freshman students to participate in hands on research with their professors. But I can also relate that it’s harder to get excited about Baylor when you’ve seen A&M’s Engineering building. It’s amazing!

All that being said, she loved the Baylor campus and the people. She liked the fact that she could walk across campus in less than 15 minutes, attend big sporting events on campus, and it felt cozy. And she likes the christian aspect of the school too.

But let’s face it, I know that Baylor’s engineering program is not as prestigious as A&M’s. But if A&M doesn’t except her, then we need to have a plan B. She’s not crazy about UT Dallas (too many international students and no athletics) or Texas Tech. And UT Austin Capped her, so that’s out.

I wish someone would chime in here that had a child graduate from Baylor Engineering recently and give me some promising news! Help me get my daughter excited about the possibility of engineering at Baylor!

@AgMom94 I haven’t talked to anyone regarding PTA but I did see it on this forum. I read all good things about it. The only drawback is that it is for select majors and you have to meet the strict requirements but I like the fact you are guaranteed admission. If you get a C in a class that you had to have a B then you are out. Plus you need 3.2 overall GPA on 30 units whereas PSA is 3.0 on 24 units. I’m not a big fan of any of the PSA campuses. My son is fine with staying home one more year and going to the local community college. My other 2 kids were more excited to go away to school.

@Ag Dad 92 PTA is guaranteed admission if you meet the strict requirements with select majors. Blinn is any major, no guarantee of the transfer. Pluses and minuses to both options.

@JaceyK Sure … like I said “technically” it is not full admission. I agreed with you on the many advantages with the TEAM offer. But, it doesn’t matter what you and I think in our eyes, it’s what TAMU defined as full admission that matters. That’s why they have a choice of TEAM and/or waitlist for full admission - and people need to understand the differences when making the selection.

Here is a quote from Engineering at Galveston offer letter “Your admission offer is considered full admission to Texas A&M University’s College of Engineering (ENGE). You will be advised by the General Engineering advisors and follow the first year engineering curriculum”.

@AggieMomhelp From your experience is TAMU more likely to take transfers from Blinn then any other community college in TX? I just don’t like the idea of paying for housing when going to a community college.

DS accepted into Team Blinn earlier in the week. He was a little disappointed, but he has come around in the last few days. I actually think it will be a good fit for him.

Does anyone know how many students participate in the Team program? I’m not familiar with either campus. What is the the commute like? Are Team Blinn students put in the same dorms?

Thank you for any insight or info on TEAM.

FYI for those who got the Waitlist/TEAM/both choices today. My son chose the both option and the following is now on his AIS page:

“You have been placed on the Waitlist and are being considered for TEAM. Please continue to monitor AIS for updates to your admissions status.
There is no guarantee you will receive either option. If we are unable to offer you full admission to the university or TEAM, you will be offered the Program for System Admission.”

@aschultz Is there any mention of a date/time line for when final waitlist /TEAM offers or results close & guaranteed PSA kicks in?

There’s no difference for team and full admit students except for how many hours they can take at Tamu main campus. There is a bus that runs from tamu to blinn. The drive itself is 10 minutes. Nothing in Bryan/college station is too far. Small town with lots of roads/ways to get to where you want to go. My son is taking a class at blinn this semester (he’s full time Aggie) and we got him a parking pass but it’s not really necessary if they are open to using the bus system. So many kids take classes at both campuses (like my son). No one cares. It’s just a means to an end.

So if we didn’t get a waitlist/ team offer today, does this mean we are likely denied?