TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

I get that thought… but think about it this way… they are living in Aggieland. Will make Aggie friends If they don’t already have some. Take part of things at Tamu even if not a student. They can get guest passes for games, go study on campus, eat etc it’s a good transition. And yes, I do believe almost 100% (but without data) that Tamu readily takes blinn students over other colleges. Some Tamu professors actually teach at blinn and Tamu AND Blinn is no joke. They do a great job of preparing student. And it’s a decent side campus along with the rellis location. My 2 cents!!!

@scotsfi Nope; wish it did. The only thing it says is what I shared.

Since this waitlist thing seems to be new, my son wasn’t sure if picking both as an option was assuring that TEAM would be more likely than full admit, but my son should come in with 20 or so credits. So hopefully he wouldn’t have to take too many classes at Blinn before being FT at College Station. TEAM doesn’t sound like a bad option if it is offered to him.

My daughter applied to Chemistry and BioChem was her second choice. She got wait listed today.

My question: Why would you apply to TEAM only and not choose both?

Her stats:
SAT 1290 (met minimum for math and reading)
ACT 26 (met min for math/reading and did get 35 for reading)
1st quarter
GPA 4.0 UW (her school weights differently so her weighted is 4.0 too)
Out of state, but dad is Texas resident
3 AP’s,
CNA Certification and working in the field that she would like to pursue.

I contacted Admissions this morning. I was told that each waitlisted individual gets another holistic review look and will GENUINELY be considered for full admission if you selected BOTH.

When I opened the page this morning (I neglected to take a photo of it) I saw the words FULL in relation to why we were being offered the waitlist. I assume that means Political Science and Economics since that is what my daughter’s choices were. And it was clear that PSA would be offered if the waitlist didn’t work in our favor. We will not take PSA though, but we will gladly take TEAM or FULL. My daughter has 37 transferable hours that are required for the Political Science and Economics major. I specifically asked if TEAM would still have enough classes for her to take, and he assured me that it would (the advisors work very closely with the students)…otherwise, they would not have made it an option.

“If we are unable to offer you full admission to the university or TEAM, you will be offered the Program for System Admission.”

FYI for those who received the waitlist option. We went in this afternoon to choose an option and they have changed a lot of the wording on the page. And it now clearly states that there is no guarantee of full admit or Blinn team. So, i’m not sure that this “offer” really means anything. Maybe they are trying to guage the interest in Blinn team. If some people have already received Blinn Team offers, and can accept them, it seems as though that is a better offer than being waitlisted. And someone asked why you would choose the Blinn Team option - maybe it would give you a better chance of getting one of those spots before they are all gone?? This is so exhausting…

@YankeeTexan33 I do not know anything about the engineering program at Baylor, but all the things you and your daughter found as positives about Baylor, we did as well. I also know several students there now who love it. My husband and I have also tried to explain to her that Baylor may be a better fit for her major (biology-pre-med) since the classes would be smaller, more involvement with professors, more research opportunities, etc., but she is dead-set on TAMU.

I do have a friend who has a daughter graduating as a petroleum engineer from Tech and she already has a great job waiting for her after graduation. I understand what you mean about student life at UTD. We live in Dallas and my husband got his MBA from UTD last year. It doesn’t have the same college feel as Baylor or TAMU or Tech. Here’s hoping we get good news soon!!

Question - who are y’all getting in contact with at TAMU regarding admissions notices? I’m reading here that someone said they were told late January-early February. Someone else saying they heard engineering would hear in a week… and so on. Each time I call I’m told that it can be anywhere from now until Mid-March and that they can’t go any further than that. I can’t even get a status update on my sons’ application when I’m calling the extension that says “find out about your application status…”. Just curious because I want to talk to the person y’all are talking to - they seem to know more or are at least willing to divulge more.

@JustWondring My daughter emailed her school guidance counselor yesterday asking her about TAMU since her app has been in review for almost 4 months. This is what her counselor said, “I called A&M today to confirm decision timelines. They said 3-4 weeks all decisions will be notified.”
Someone else on here said that a TAMU moderator or maybe it was an admissions rep on Reddit said that there would be a “wave” of notices going out next week and the following week. I’m taking it all with a grain of salt.

My son got in Texas A&M, College of Engineer. Now we are waiting for Purdue.

Spoke with Louis in admissions this afternoon. He said that the waitlisted applicants will likely receive a decision at some point between the end of March to mid April. So we wait again!

So does anyone think if we did not get waitlisted, we could be denied? Or that we still have a shot with possible waves in the next couple of weeks?

When did you get notice…Just now?

@YankeeTexan33 Have your daughter considered UH ? It is only behind Rice and UTD for engineering. You get admitted directly into the major and plus it doesn’t costs you an arm and leg …

Per US News & Reports engineering rankings for 2019:

UT (#11), TAMU (#15), Rice (#20), UTD (#75), UH (#83), Texas Tech (#93),

SMU (#108), Baylor and UTA (#120), UTEP (#153), UTSA (#170)

Also, after a year if she got great GPA like a 3.8-4.0, she can try transfer to A&M. If not, she can continue at UH and still get a great education. Just my take …

Baylor is her backup. But I have to be honest, she was not impressed with their Engineering Building. Of course, who can NOT compare it to A&M’s Zachry Building??? It’s not even a fair comparison. I tried explaining to her that just because Baylor’s building wasn’t impressive, I truly felt like the quality of professors, the fact that you got 90% professors, and the small class size is a plus. More hands on experience it appears at Baylor. They even allow their Freshman students to participate in hands on research with their professors. But I can also relate that it’s harder to get excited about Baylor when you’ve seen A&M’s Engineering building. It’s amazing!

All that being said, she loved the Baylor campus and the people. She liked the fact that she could walk across campus in less than 15 minutes, attend big sporting events on campus, and it felt cozy. And she likes the christian aspect of the school too.

But let’s face it, I know that Baylor’s engineering program is not as prestigious as A&M’s. But if A&M doesn’t except her, then we need to have a plan B. She’s not crazy about UT Dallas (too many international students and no athletics) or Texas Tech. And UT Austin Capped her, so that’s out.

I wish someone would chime in here that had a child graduate from Baylor Engineering recently and give me some promising news! Help me get my daughter excited about the possibility of engineering at Baylor!


My son was accepted at Baylor in October with a nice scholarship. When we had our campus visit in November, his impression of the Engineering Building/program was the same as your daughter. He was so un-impressed! I’m a Baylor grad and was so in hopes that he would love it as much as I did, however, he has zero interest in attending.
He fell in love w/Zachary and A&M, and there’s no turning back. He did like the Engineering program at Tech, and it does have a pretty sound reputation. They offered him a scholarship, also, and I’m so frustrated that he’s putting other schools on hold while we play the waiting game at A&M. Also, SMU has a good engineering program. It was tops on his list until we toured A&M.

I think your daughter would love Baylor! Best of luck with her decision!

This is what I am wondering, as well! Also, am I correct in understanding that the admissions offers are given out according to colleges within the university? My daughter applied for college of Education first and second was college of agriculture… have those started coming yet?

About 10 days ago and notice from college of Engineer one day after.

@YankeeTexan33 My son also got into Baylor with a big chunk of money. He may get more from i2e event. The thing about Baylor that concerns us is the tuition. Without the scholarship, it would not justify for the cost, esp for engineering. If he goes and can not maintain the requirements, we’ll be in serious situation :slight_smile: The school itself we have a few family members graduated from there but they went through a different path-- pre med/law. They love the school and highly talk about it everytime the topic comes up. Imo, some engineering schools are certainly better than others, equipped with nicer labs, better professors and such. I did my undergrad at a well known school. When I started working, I still had to learn a lot more. What I’m trying to say is if you can afford Baylor and she loves the campus, I don’t think it will have much effect compared to attending A&M or ut.

@MikeSugarland definitely uh/utd is not a bad option when you consider everything else. They both have honors programs and decent merit scholarship.

@JustWondring Call this number (979) 458-0950 (Aggie Prospective Student Center- Office of Admissions for College Station) and ask to speak to an admission counselor. I spoke to Brandon because I have already met with him, last fall. Hope that helps!

I know you might laugh, but we live in Houston and that’s the last place she wants to attend. She has her heart set on going to a college at least outside of Houston. I do know it’s a better ranked school for Engineering and she’s been accepted to it already. She just has no interest. I’m wondering if we should be giving more attention to Tech???

@bcarltx I met with the Poli Sci college advisor back in October. She said that Poli Sci does not cap, meaning it is open till A&M caps. This is one of the majors that won’t fill up. Hopefully, that relieves some stress on everyone!

Although, she told me that these are the majors that do cap:

Business, Kinesiology, Psychology, and BIMS (if I remember correctly from what she told me).