TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Might be a silly question, but is it best for applicants/students only to call or is it ok if parents call and ask admission questions? Are they supportive of parent involvement? …seems like TAMU is. Thanks for your thoughts!

.@AggieThings we read your previous posts and were surprised that you were considered a review admit instead of an academic admit. Best of luck to you.

hey yall quick question… does changing your major through the AIS portal affect your admission? I’ve changed it from civil engineering to chemistry to now my original: computer engineering. I have been torn apart by what i want to pursue in my future… i dont know why i have not been admitted yet(still in review since october 28th)… 29 ACT, 30 English and 34 Math… top 25%, 500 job shadowing hours(senior engineer), 5.00/6.00 GPA, co president of club, many vol hours and clubs, taken 15 IB Classes – i only applied regular decision this is one of my dream schools so i have been extremely nervous… thank you!!!

@JustWondring I think you should go for it and called them! I mean who knows they might give you more valuable info! Best of luck! ?

For those that are waitlisted. Why would you choose TEAM only and not go for both???

Has anyone been denied yet? My major choice is Political Science, and I still have the dreaded “Completed and in review.”

Do I have any hope for admission? Or have all admission decisions been handed out?

My dad was an Aggie Chemical engineer. I started out majoring I. Petroleum engineering at TAMU. I know many Aggie Engineers that interview Engineers. They are disappointed to admit they now hire Texas Tech graduates because they are more “well rounded”. Do you or your daughter know any hiring managers or Principals at engineering firms she would like to work at? Trust me, my blood runs maroon, but neither of my kids want to be engineers. I would reach out to hiring managers in the engineering field she wants to pursue. Might make her feel better?

@aggiehopeful1023 I don’t think anyone has been flat out denied yet as far as I can tell… I’m also Poli Sci and still in review :confused:

Interesting comment/observation 2ndGenAggie. We attend one of the top high schools in the state, and I am just amazed at the awesome kids Texas Tech, UT Dallas, Baylor, Auburn, Alabama and LSU are sweeping up because of the Admissions policies in place at UT and A&M. At our HS, you can be a straight A student, taking a couple of Pre-AP/AP classes, and not be ranked 1Q. Same students get high scores on SAT/ACT. And then these other schools throw money at you! Tech will cost us under $10k/year.

@gigem88 I’ve got to think it’s not a good sign we’ve not heard anything yet…

We’ll see I guess.

Poli Sci as well. In review. What makes me think we could be in jeopardy is reading about Poli Sci applicants getting waitlisted today. While anything is possible, it would be odd to send waitlist offers if there were still slots for acceptances. Makes me a bit pessimistic. But you never know!

We may be at same HS? Dallas area. The only HS in state on a College Block schedule. We, as parents, want both our children to be well rounded, and have a positive “primary “ education experience. My sister is a Baylor Bear…but, our daughter applied ONLY to TAMU because she LOVES the campus, the Academic climate, and has always wanted to become Third-Generation Aggie. Knows what she wants to major in based on TAMU Summer Academic Camps (CampLAW by a Baylor Law Prof) and UIL activities. I wish y’all best of luck with your overall University experience…and, GIG ‘EM!!

Is there any truth to what someone said earlier about TAMU already sending out denials? Or was that for engineering only?

AND, completely relate about other Universities competing for Texas’ top students. I tell our daughter EVERY day, “chill out!” Because all her friends with lower scores already admitted to other universities (including TAMU). TAMU does not need to recruit. Guess I need to start a Group in North TX for “you applied to TAMU CS, and now you need to vent, so you MIGHT be able to chill and enjoy your HS Senior year (that you earned!) !!! ?

One thing I’ve mentioned before and I will again… UTD has a ton of ASIAN AMERICANS (35%) not international undergraduates. International undergrads account for only 4% of the population. TAMU has 1.4% international.

At UTD undergraduates are overwhelmingly, 96%, American.

If your kids go to the high performing Houston and Dallas area large high schools with a significant Asian population - that is what you will also find at UTD. The friend groups, student orgs, fraternities and sororities seem to be very diverse and reflective of the student population.

Now the lack of Football is a whole other issue. (They have other sports, just D3)

If you are looking for a feeling more like TAMU - I would take a serious look at TTU. I’m a little bias (My MA degree is from there) but it is really a supportive, fun environment. It’s not always the first choice on a student’s radar - but most kids that go there end up really liking it.

Under no circumstances whatsoever should a parent be calling admissions. That is insane. I would assume the school would mark that applicant with a giant X if mommy is calling them. HUGE RED FLAG IF MOMMY IS CALLING COLLEGE.

That’s what I’ve heard & been told.

I applied for public health but have not heard anything? Is it a likely denial or defer at this point? I am OOS btw.

So I have a quick question: My first major is Chemical Engineering and I’m still in the Engineering review as up to today. And my second major said “Mays Business School - Business Administration - BAC”

Does this mean that I got accepted into Mays?
