TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Is that all eng admits or just cstat?

Itā€™s TAMU published on dars.


Is a change in major a bad sign? My son was 1. Computer Science and 2. Computer engineering. About two weeks ago these flip flopped. DOes this means Comp Sci ā€œrejectedā€ him and now Comp Eng gets a crack at his appication?

I ask all of this fully knowing that all freshmen will be general engineering.

Thanks all! Just curious if anyone has any first hand experience with this.

Have you heard of any Agribusiness majors have been accepted?

Thanks. That is really useful to see - puts in perspective what an incoming class of peers looks like.

No major is denied. Itā€™s whether or not itā€™s full when admitted. Engineering being different but itā€™s still decided by admissions and not by department.

Thanks for the link! I always suspected that men were better test takers than women (as a whole), but had never dove into it prior to now. I was amazed at the differences in SAT scores between men and women in that link! Wow! Thereā€™s a 90 point difference in Engineering SAT scores. Do universities take that difference into account when reviewing applicants? Anyone out there have any supporting reasoning as to why men seem to be better test takers? I would love to hear more! Thanks.

@YankeeTexan33 I see the difference in the university total - but NOT engineering.

Female Mean - 1350, median 1360
Male Mean - 1363, Median 1370.

You will see the college of education has significantly lower scores. 1191 mean. I would assume that is a major that is predominantly female.

@BlueBayouAZ Yes, I guess I was looking at something else. I realized that after I posted. But it appears that Engineering is the only college that brings in a more evenly scored representation between men and women. And itā€™s pretty obvious that Engineeringā€™s averages are considerably higher than the average SAT at TAMU.

Actually, yes thereā€™s definitely more females in education, but the male scores arenā€™t really any better than the femaleā€™s in that school.

Looking at means (average of scores - SAT only)
Women in Ag and Architecture score higher than men.

But I feel any point difference 20 are less is a wash. So Ag, education, engineering, geosciences all have similar between genders.

College of science, Vet med and Business have significantly better scores for men.

But if you look at public health - only 16% of the 124 students are male. So a couple of high male scores is can make the result look more significant than it is. There is a 12 point difference is the male mean/median 1,257/1,245 - that indicates there are several really high scores (or a lot of high scores an a few really low ones) for a couple of the 20 men in public health. The female mean and median are the same, 1,215.

Ag - Women +6
Arch - Women +26
Business Women -57
Ed Women -12
Engineering -13
Geosciences -18
Liberal Arts -30
Public Health -42
College of Science -76
Vet med - 68

Majors with more men
Architecture, Engineering, geosciences

Majors with more women
Agriculture, Education, Liberal Arts, Public Health, Science, Veterinary Medicine

Majors with about equal

Grade distribution for Engineering. How does one interpret this chart. Why would there only be 1,115 engineering freshman. Seems like that should be closer to 3,500.


Is that a reflection of attrition?

do applicants who are very close to academic admission usually get in CS? i mean a 29 composite ACT, 30 english, 34 math, top 25% ā€” those type of peopleā€¦ is it safe to say you will get into tamu?

That appears to be full admit to the College Station campus. Just based on the numbers I think Galveston and other academy full admit grades are tracked somewhere else. But I donā€™t have any independent knowledge of that.

@arkeldi I would love to tell you it is a lock but I know of cases where someone was oh so close and didnā€™t get in. That being said, donā€™t give up hope. Seems Engineering is not yet full and there are supposed to be more offers coming. Engineering offers can come in many forms such as Full in Cstat, Galveston (also full admit) and Academy @ Blinn Bryan - like Blinn Team. I would research all the possible offers that may come and possibly be prepared to make a quick choice. Last year when the later rounds came and Cstat was full some had a choice but the Academy @ Blinn Bryan filled up quickly and when it is full they stop allowing that choice so donā€™t procrastinate if you are given a choice. Be prepared!

There is research looking at the possible reasons in the SAT differences between women and men, particularly in math. (I canā€™t post the links here - they are blocked, probably because they are not from an edu)

It should be noted that the ACT scores at TAMU do not appear to show as wide of differences that the SAT score does.

The University Total mean/median is 28/29
Female is 28/28
Male is 29/30

But it is the math composite that is the factor. 27/27 University wide but 26/26 female and 29/29 male.

And some of the schools flipped. Like women did better in education, public health than men on the ACT and Men did better in Ag.

One thing that was noted on one of the articles I read is that women are less likely to have extremely high math scores.

I was trying to look for this information but couldnā€™t. It makes perfect sense as I was anticipating there would not much of a difference. When I and my son were deciding whether to take act or sat, I read an article discussing plus/minus of each test. One thing they mentioned is if your strong suit is math, you should take sat because math is worth 50% in sat vs only 25% in act. This was why we chose to stick with sat.

Itā€™s expected to see more male in technical/math based fields. I would not say the difference is due to test taking skills but rather the subjects tested. We usually choose majors based on what we feel we would do well. Itā€™s reasonable to say that these engineering applicants have a stronger than average math background. While there have been more female engineers, historically this has been a male predominant field. Thus, there is significant difference in sat math section.

My son received a wait list offer as well as an offer to Blinn Team. If he participates in the Blinn Team will he have an automatic admit to Honors Biology? He will go into his freshman year with approximately 36 college credit hours. Will he have to complete 45 additional hours at Blinn? He has a 4.65 GPA, 1470 SAT and 35 ACT score.
We are out of state so I am not familiar with the Blinn/TAMU partnership. Thanks for your help!!

Did he receive the offer this morning? We are still waiting and my DDā€™s portal has not changed at all this morning at 8:30 a.m.

He received the offer yesterday.