TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

I called admissions earlier this morning, they said Engineering at College Station is not full yet.

I spoke to a CSR (Forgot the name).

She did say that to expect decisions any day and any time and that there are no set day/time/waves etc.

So, I will be checking once in the morning

Did he compare the same degree on both colleges?
A college education is a college education, and yes, it should not matter what school it is.
I think people want Ivy League more for the connections that can be made.
For example as a English Major, if you graduated from Ivy League and could not find a job, you can probably ask your college friend who might be an heir to a large corporate company to help you with a job placement. This type of network might not happen at a large public school as most would start out as a Entry Level seeking job applicant and not one that may or may not have the clout at a company to help a friend to absolutely have the job.

However, yes, no one should feel discourage about not making it to certain colleges. We can all feel upset though
 I just didn’t think it was this competitive, but everything is up to Admissions now and we can all just wait.

Has anyone heard admissions/decisions to the Biomedical Sciences program?

@AggieMomhelp Getting back to you regarding my son. He applied to both TAMUG and Cstat.

Apps Submit Date: 7/3/19
Rec’d offer from TAMUG: Oct. 2019 (full admit to Marine Eng Tech)
Rec’d offer from TAMUCS: Jan. 2019 (full admit, assigned to Galv for Gen Eng)
Major @ Cstat: Mechanical Eng (1st); Ocean Eng (2nd)
Major @ TAMUG: Marine Engineering Technology

End of Year est. GPA: 6.2/6.0 scale
Top 25% (actual 24%)
Both Distinguished Level of Achievement & STEM endorsement (and others)
Expecting to graduate with 27 college credit hours (via Dual Credit classes which incl. Eng. III & IV, US Hist, US Govt, College Algebra, Macro Economics)
Extras: Marching Band (2 yrs); NHS; StuCo)

Let me know if I missed anything. Thanks for all you do and have done!!

Why is it taking so long I’m so nervous

Nothing so far, and I applied back in September

Hi y’all! I just want to bring some light to what my regional admissions person had said in a college fair I attended. With review admits, it does not matter when you had sent in your application. She had said that it was not a line, but a “bucket”, meaning that they choose at random at who they will look at next.

From what I am reading, they are doing a reverse admissions process, where most full admissions are just now coming out for review admits. It really is a grueling wait, but just hold on, it will come to you soon! Looks like waves of decisions come out every Tuesday and Friday. Good luck everyone, I hope this put anyone at ease!

@Colhopeful728 I hear what you’re saying. I just think the point of the article was evaluating where in life students are after 20 years vs whether they attended an Ivy League or perhaps a well known university (which I was relating to A&M for this forum) vs. any other “good” school.

I completely agree that graduating from a top school may open more doors initially, but I also believe that when those same students move on to their 2nd and 3rd jobs, employers will be looking more at what they’ve accomplished since school then the actual school they graduated from. If a student is smart and has the passion and dry to work hard, then they will go just as far in life as the “Ivy League” graduated. At least this is what I gained from the article.

The point I was attempting to make is that not all of our kiddos will gain full admission to A&M, a school obviously highly sought after, but they need to keep their heads held high because most of these students that have given their stats on here are very smart people and truly all deserved to attend TAMU. If they need to rely on their 2nd choice school, so be it. Life will go on and IMHO they too will be just as successful as the others who got into TAMU.

Good luck to everyone!

@YankeeTexan33 - absolutely. I agree. As long as one don’t give up, they will be successful. Good message!

Does anyone have any idea if the communications major is filled up? Still hoping I have the chance to receive full admission :slight_smile:

This is kind of an off-topic question, but does anyone know if TAMU requires a mid-year transcript?

@sekbote They did not require one last year, but the final transcript was required, I believe, by fall.

@sekbote I actually called TAMU to ask about this in early January, and they told me that they would not accept any additional materials after the application closing date, including mid-year reports.

@iMacTX it isn’t considered for admissions, only end of Junior year apply however, if you are accepted then they will want your final transcripts.

So theory question. If i have too many credit hours for BLINN or PSA, and didn’t get a rejection letter, then my hopes should be for full admittance or wait list? I put I’d have around 50 credits on my application, but I’m not sure if they’ll still “accidentally” offer me BLINN.
Also, does anyone know if the supposed answers that are due by aggieland day are for every major or just engineering?

@aghpfl Does that mean that if a review admit doesn’t receive a decision in the next week they won’t be considered for full admission or waitlist?

Hi all! I just checked my Howdy portal, and noticed that my major was changed from INTS (or something similar) for international studies and it is now GEST (which I am assuming is general studies). However, I am still under review and only have 3 tabs. What should I be thinking because of this? I know there is no admission as of yet, but is this a bad sign?

Hi I applied to tamu hoping to major in Biology. I just wanted to know if I should be worried since I have not received a decision yet, my application is still under review.

@skinnerss General Studies could possibly mean Blinn Team, or maybe even Gateway. Just my thoughts on that. Someone else may have other ideas.

All Gateway are General Studies and must apply to their major after freshman year. It is a fantastic program.

Gateway is two Summer semesters in CS (with GPA requirements) before Full Fall Admit, correct?