TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Last I knew Gateway is the first summer session only and you have to attend that specific one.

My fingers are crossed to have either full admit, TEAM, or gatewayā€¦ I would be happy with all three! I think my best bets are with TEAM and gateway as of right now. Will both have the six tabs if offered? What will AIS change to?

Gateway is always the second summer session.

Hey guys. Under manage applications it now says

Texas A&M University - Summer 2020
Application Status: Under Review Level : Undergraduate Major: GEST Program: BAC-GEST Location: College Station

It used to say Fall 2020 now it says Summer 2020. In addition, under undergraduate major it had English and now it says GEST Program. Any idea what this means?

@UCLAbruin1 mine changed the exact same way, went from International Studies to GESTā€¦ hopefully more will be updated tomorrow!

@UCLAbruin1 @skinnerss . Thereā€™s lots of info about the Gateway admission pathway on this link - ā€˜Aggie Gateway To Successā€™. Go to TAMU main website then type this in search box.

Hello, I hope that everyone had a good day/night.

Has anyone heard any news about the architecture program? Or more specifically the environmental design major?

Talked to someone about being on Waitlist, said we can hear back again for final decision between now and Aprilā€¦ Iā€™m so tired of waiting man:( I just wanna know my offer or not to finalize my college decision. I would be so ecstatic with Blinn Team if offered and it would be a miracle to receive full from waitlist , idk tho. I hope I can hear back soon:(

@UCLAbruin1 - May I ask how many tabs you have in your Howdy portal? Just curious if your tabs increased for those changes to take place?

Thank you

@Hope2Baggie Iā€™m still at three tabs in Howdy as of right now!

On the srar were you supposed to submit your high school gpa or your collegiate gpa (converted to the 4.0 scale)? Iā€™m wondering because Iā€™m top 25% but got a 1350 sat, so I barely miss academic admit and havenā€™t heard back from A&M yet and a bit worried that might be the reason.

ACT: 32
Rank: 105/861

Student Body President, Founder/President of Investment and Finance Club, President of Young Menā€™s Service League, varsity lacrosse and tennis, MOWW Youth Leadership Conference, NHS, 2 years of job experience as a front line cook at a local restaurantā€¦

I applied 7/12 and received acceptance to Mays School of Business on 9/19.
I received Business Honors a few days ago!

Im near certain its your HS information - thats what we did!

So, I am thinking my son was given gateway this morning as well. He was an international studies/poli-sci majorā€¦He has 6 Tabs. His major changed to GEST for Summer 2020, CST. He is super pumped!

If this is the case, my only question is about registering for Corps housing, but I can ask on the Corps 2024 page, if no one knows.

I got my 6 tabs sometime early this morning, except my major now says General Studies and term changed from fall to summer.

Late yesterday, my son received the option to be considered for Blinn, Galveston, or McAllen. He was ecstatic and accepted Blinn! It said something about first come first served regarding admission to Blinn. His AIS now says:

ā€œYou are being considered for Engineering at Blinn-Bryanā€

We are one step closer but what is the timeline for this next phase?

For those of yā€™all who received gateway, were any of you waitlisted already?

My son was not previously waitlisted. His message still says My App is Complete and In Review, but he has 6 tabs and the change to GEST Summer 2020 as his major.

@jxdjxd congratulations! Same for my daughter - offer for Blinn, Galveston, and McAllen engineering academies appeared when she checked this morning. It was in the AIS splash screen.

She accepted Blinn and is wondering about the ā€œ You are being considered for Engineering at Blinn-Bryan" message as well. Iā€™m thinking that is just some processing and the option to sign up for a NSC will appear shortly, but I really have no idea. Sheā€™s happy with the co-enrolled Blinn option!

@L1Ag91 congratulation to your daughter as well! We will patiently wait a little longer as it looks like it is just a matter of processing it through the systems.