TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Congratulations on today’s offers. It’s interesting the different order of admits this year.

Around this time last year we saw the first engineering academy choice offers 1/28 and 1/29. With the bulk of full admits coming on 1/30. Gateway did not occur until 2/28.

It seems like things are moving quicker this year.

Oh my goodness. My son’s changed to GEST, Summer 2020. Still listed as under review for application status. I don’t know about the tabs, because he already had his six for Galveston. Hope, hope, that this is Gateway. I guess we have to wait 24 hours to see what happens when AIS updates. Someone please tell me that this is a good sign, because my nerves are about stretched to the maximum at this point.

Does anyone know a student who has done gateway?

@BlueBayouAZ Yes, I think they are weeding through the “too close to decide” and getting the smaller pools done first…like letters of rejections (most likely due to incomplete applications), PSA (although I would argue that this would be the larger pool of alternates - maybe these were easier to reject?), and now Gateway. Once these are done, then they will revisit those that teeter on the edge of Blinn, full admit and PSA. Who knows? Nothing is going according to recent history. lol

@H20Texas will you please share what you learn about Corps housing. We would have the same question. Also found this link to Gateway https://tap.tamu.edu/gateway.

Got 6 tabs today!!!

Have PSA offers gone out already? My daughter is still waiting and we are trying to figure out what is left. It seems like I’ve read about Blinn TEAM offers, waitlist, and now Gateway. So is it just PSA that’s left? Or have those come out already as well? It seems very odd that full admit offers would come after everything else. She applied for genetics.

I honestly think that there are still full admits and TEAM offers out there to be had. It also really depends on your major. I’ve been following this entire thread of Class of 2024, and what I’ve definitely learned from the “pros” on this site is that TAMU is doing things a bit different from years past (with offering a Waitlist after not having one for 10 years). Other than a few majors that we’re pretty certain of being full (Mays for example), there are still offers for full admit, TEAM, and PSA to be offered over the next month or so.

Hang in there. We submitted our DD’s app on 7/1 so we’ve been waiting for 7 months now. She said to me this morning that she’s so over this. She just wants to know if TAMU wants her or not, and if not, she’s got a plan B for her Engineering. Unfortunately she was top 11%, and we’ve heard of several students being granted full admission to Engineering with lower SAT scores and less EC’s, less work and volunteering experience, but were top 10%. She’s ready (and so am I) to move on. 7 months to wait on a decision is way too long, especially if it’s a rejection! :neutral:

From Sam Hawes…Corps Recruiter. If you aren’t part of the Facebook Corps 2024 Group, you should join. He is very accessible and provides all kinds of information. I posted this question to him and he replied:

Yes, it appears A&M did a ton of Gateway offers last night. This is a great program. He will do the second summer session and will live on campus in whichever dorm they designate for Gateway (not sure which dorm yet). Once they successfully complete the GW program they will move into their designated Corps dorm. We’ll be sending out way more info on this as all the details firm up. His time this summer at A&M will give him huge leg up for the fall semester! Congratulations!

My son and his friend received the same update- GenEd with Summer 2020 - His friend just got an response back from Admissions that - this was an error! While we too were getting excited to see some type of response - it’s a reminder to wait and see.

I was being offered 4 options:

Option 1: Engineering at Galveston
Option 2: Engineering at McAllen
Option 3: Texas A&M Engineering Academy at Blinn-Bryan
Option 4: Change major

So what is the difference between the options and if I choose option 3, does that mean I have both classes at Blinn and Texas A&M. And could I still live in the dorms in Texas A&M?

WHAT was the error??!!

So far I’m liking what I am seeing in the process @JaceyK compared to last year. Only time will tell if it plays out being better when all is said an done.

But with just under 20,000 PSA last year - it is just plain silly to think that they couldn’t reach a No/PSA decision on at least 10,000 of them before March. There was absolutely no reason to hang on to thousands of the applicants.

I’m hopeful that within the next two weeks - they will have all of the offers assigned, including PSA. And a manageable sized waitlist. It appears that the last few years the waitlist was offered they offered it to a sizable amount of students- and the final year it was offered - only 13 students were admitted other than Blinn TEAM. It appears that they did away with it - because people were not coming off it into the College Station campus.

It would be interesting to know what percentage of folks accepted the waitlist offers that went out already. But this message board is not a representative sample. Most people here want to go to TAMU. There are others that applied as a second or third choice - who probably don’t follow threads like this - that would not opt to be placed on the waitlist. Historically less that 1/2 opt to go on the list.

Historic Waitlist comparisons
2011 (25,949 total applications)
Offered - 8044
Accepted - 3901
Admitted - 995 (982 TEAM)

2010 (23,407 total applications)
Offered - 7700
Accepted - 1470
Admitted - 451

2009 (22,757 total applications)
Offered - 5869
Accepted - 2558
Admitted - 119

2008 (20,887 total applications)
Offered - 981
Accepted - 357
Admitted - 260

2007 (18,817 total applications)
Offered - 1808
Accepted - n/av (whatever that means)
Admitted - 689

2006 (17,410 total applications)
Offered - 2925
Accepted - 1278
Admitted - 1062

We are still waiting…

Same here…waiting waiting waiting… portals haven’t changed at all. Getting concerned our son will receive a PSA after waiting 7 months for an answer. :frowning:

@Sophia123 @Colhopeful728 There’s lots of great info on Blinn-Bryan Engineering Academy if you go into ‘Alternative Admissions Decisions’ on the Office of Admsissions - Freshman -‘How to be Admitted’ homepage. …

OK ~ In the past 5 mins since I directed you to this page some of the info boxes have changed to show ‘404 - page cannot be found’ but here’s what is still there!

Students enrolled in the Texas A&M Engineering Academy program are Texas A&M University College of Engineering students. As an engineering student in the Engineering Academy program, students are co-enrolled in the College of Engineering at Texas A&M University and Blinn College-Bryan. All Blinn College courses will be held in Bryan on the RELLIS campus.

Engineering students enrolled in the Academy at Blinn-Bryan are selected from the freshman applicant pool by the Office of Admissions at Texas A&M University. Engineering students in this program have the ability to remain co-enrolled for two years, taking their Texas A&M engineering courses on the Texas A&M campus and their math and science courses on the Blinn College-RELLIS campus in Bryan. This co-enrollment model allows Texas A&M to offer admission to more qualified freshman applicants. Students are eligible to participate in all student services, activities and organizations at both institutions, though participation in NCAA Division I sports is not allowed. Further, engineering students in this program will apply for entry to a major as early as the end of the first year, having completed the required courses. Visit the benefits page to learn more about the opportunities for engineering students in the Texas A&M Engineering Academy at Blinn College-Bryan.

Terms and Conditions
Financial Aid, Fees and Deadlines
Securing Your Admission
Pre-Enrollment Checklists
Enrollment Resources
Blinn-Bryan Contact
Engineering Academies

All the helpful info that was in each of these drop down boxes has now changed to 404. Hopefully it will be replaced SOON!

I don’t know and can’t help you…however, what is Engineering at McAllen?
It seems odd that they gave you full admit to Galveston and possibly McAllen and give you Blinn-Bryan? Are these all Full Admits or are these the “Alternative Pathways” @AggieMomhelp @JaceyK

This is what’s on the page:

Your application was thoroughly reviewed for placement in one of the remaining seats in the College of Engineering in College Station. Although we are unable to offer you a space in General Engineering in College Station, we would like to offer you the following options for enrollment at Texas A&M:
-Opt 1: Engineering at Galveston
-Opt 2: Engineering at McAllen
-Opt 3: Texas A&M Engineering Academy at Blinn-Bryan (TEAB_Bryan), a dual enrollment program
-Opt 4: Select a new major not in the College of Engineering and enroll full-time at Texas A&M - College Station by following the instruction found here.

Space within the engineering options noted above is limited and may fill prior to the May 1 deadline; therefore placement into a program will be on a first come, first served basis and once our target enrollment is reached the options will no longer be available.

@Sophia123 …It’s all back up now…and in the BENEFITS sub heading it does say that students could live in on-campus housing

We are in the same boat. My daughter applied in July and we’re still in limbo. At the very least it would be nice to have some time to plan for a trip to College Station for Aggieland day :(.